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R7000 Nighthawk appears to be periodically dropping WiFi

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Upon the conclusion of much research and deliberation, I decided to go with the R7000 Nighthawk rather than the ASUS 68U (hopefully I made the right decision). Over the past two weeks I have been noticing periodic net interruptions over WiFi, and they only appear to last a minute or so before connection is restored. I tested my wireless connection and there also seems to be the same brief interruption effecting it, which leads me to believe that its my ISP, however similar connection interrupts are occurring at another friends house using another ISP, but the same router.

I wanted to ask, if the incredibly knowledgable network techs here would be so gracious, in letting me known if there are any known net interruption issues that plague the nighthawk netgear routers? I would replace this router immediately if it was only an error I was experiencing, but a similar issue seems to be occurring at my friends.

Moreover, does anyone here know of any benefits that the ASUS 68U AC1900 has over the nighthawk, as from what I have gathered they are quite comparable in performance with the Nhawk slightly outperforming it. I primarily use wireless connection always as I have the most recently updated Retina MBP 15inch. Thank so much in advanced for any assistance anyone could provide.
Which firmware are you using on the R7000? I'm currently using the latest Netgear Beta, and it has been very stable for me so far. Going on a week of uptime at this point...I know, not a lot, but solid, no problems *smile*. Here's where you can find it:


Some of the earlier firmware releases did have wireless drops, I experienced that. Dd-wrt firmware is good now, too. Great router when you put more stable firmware on it.
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Latest dd-wrt has two versions. One with old radio driver, one with new.
Maybe worthwhile trying? I am running one with new driver and no problem
since I flashed it.
Just went back to dd-wrt myself, to play with the new bugfix release r23770-R01, with new drivers. Been waiting for it.

The new Netgear beta (URL above) I was using was fine, too.

Got some really decent firmware out there for the R7000 these days *smile*.
I actually had an instance this morning where none of my clients would connect to the 2.4GHZ, I could see it, but it wouldn't connect. I could connect to the 5GHZ and then reboot the router.

This however did not fix the 2.4GHZ.. finally walked upstairs and pulled the plug on everything. Let it sit for 30secs, and plugged back in.. all is well now...

I am running the lastest released Netgear FW, don't know the version off the top of my head. I have also been having to randomly restart the router every few days due to loss of some wired network activity.

So is DD-WRT stable enough to use as a daily driver now? Haven't messed with it in years. Easy enough to go back and forth between the open source and Netgear?

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