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FlexQoS real time stats added to a file for node_exporter

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Regular Contributor
First of all thank so much for flexqos! I have been using this on a RT-AC68U for a few years now. Currently on flexqos 1.41

I found a github repo and currently going through the files, but am having trouble finding where flexqos.asp get its data for the current rates?

The ultimate goal I am trying to acheive is to create a temp (bash) file that will have both the class (ie: Net_flow,Work_flow,...) and rates in bytes.

When I am done I could paste the final file here. That is if anyone is interested?
Thanks for being so quick! I am now looking into grep to get just the number I need now..... getting close with

tc -s class show dev eth0 | grep -C 1 117 | grep Sent | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'

Not pretty, and still need to isolate the first line. Any suggestions are welcome
Any suggestions are welcome
You limit the output like so:
tc -s class show dev eth0 parent 1: | grep -A2 "parent 1:1"
What output format are you trying to get for node_exporter? There are a few sed/awk gurus around here who can help.
dave14305 Thanks for all your information. I just saw your last post now.

This is my first attempt I have this now working in Grafana and it seems to be working well. I tried to create an array instead of a case statement but busybox sh doesn't work well with them. Feel free to clean up the code. I am not familiar with grep awk and sed. Also I may have some of the priorities wrong. Please feel free to correct.


# Note the start time of the script.
START="$(date +%s)"

# Adjust as needed.

#set -- "Net" "Gaming" "Streaming" "Work" "Web" "Downloads" "Others" "Learn"

for dev in br0 eth0; do

while [ $i -le 7 ]; do
#bytes=`tc -s class show dev $dev | grep -A1 "prio $i" | grep Sent | awk '{ print $2 }' | head -n1`
bytes=`tc -s class show dev $dev parent 1: | grep -A2 "parent 1:1" | grep -A1 "prio $i" | grep Sent | awk '{print $2}'`

#  pos=$i
#  shift "$(( pos ))"
#  type=`printf '%s\n' "$2"`

case $i in
7) type=Learn ;;
6) type=Others ;;
5) type=Streaming ;;
4) type=Web ;;
3) type=Work ;;
2) type=Download ;;
1) type=Gaming ;;
0) type=Net

if [ $dev = eth0 ]; then
echo router_flexqos_recieve_total{type='"'$type'"'} $bytes >> "$TEXTFILE_COLLECTOR_DIR/flexqos.prom.$$"
echo router_flexqos_transmit_total{type='"'$type'"'} $bytes >> "$TEXTFILE_COLLECTOR_DIR/flexqos.prom.$$"

true $(( i++ ))


END="$(date +%s)"
echo router_flexqos_duration_seconds $(($END - $START)) >> "$TEXTFILE_COLLECTOR_DIR/flexqos.prom.$$"
echo router_flexqos_last_run_seconds $END >> "$TEXTFILE_COLLECTOR_DIR/flexqos.prom.$$"

## Rename the temporary file automically.
## This avoids the node exporter seeing half a file.
mv "$TEXTFILE_COLLECTOR_DIR/flexqos.prom.$$" \
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