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RT-AX58U: Issues on 2.4Ghz only - interpret errors in log?

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Hi there,
AX58U here, I have same identical issue with 2.4 ghz.
i have the Merlin release 386.2.
if I reboot or change Wi-Fi settings it works for a while, after that connection is very slow (about 1/2Mb).
no luck disabling ax settings
Sorry to hear this, I know the frustration. Is it a new unit - as I would without a doubt exchange it as soon as possible.
If it worked always and just stopped working it might be firmware - and I would try and change / test a lot of settings (disabling beamforming, using fixed channels etc.)
Sorry to hear this, I know the frustration. Is it a new unit - as I would without a doubt exchange it as soon as possible.
If it worked always and just stopped working it might be firmware - and I would try and change / test a lot of settings (disabling beamforming, using fixed channels etc.)
I really don't know, I have it since December but almost all devices are on 5ghz band, just 2/3 are on 2.4ghz.
I'll try to change some settings, but the problem is that when I change something it works for a while, so for each change I have to wait some hours before to test: this complicates the troubleshooting...
I have the suspect about the merlin version 386.2, I updated to 386.2_2 but same issue... i'll try a downgrade

But you solved everything changing the unit right?!
perhaps some stocks are defective...

edit: I confirm same issue with merlin v. 386.1_2 and with beamforming disabled
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I'm having a similar issue here the 5ghz band works great but the 2.4 starts craping out after a while. it starts of fine (about 100 up and down on dslreports with an A for buffer bloat) then latter on in the day it will start dropping to like 5 up and down, in fact usually the dslreport speed test cant even finish as it errors out on the upload saying the upload stayed at 0. I can reboot and everything will work fine for about 24 hours then it will start going bad again here is the wireless log and pro settings I have set. I tried changing them all to default to see if that would help and will update if that helps but I was having issues even before messing with the pro settings. I also tried changing the channel to see if that helps. I honestly can't really tell a difference between channel 6 and 11(can only tell the difference when I look at the wireless log as on channel 11 the noise will be around 85-90 dBm and on channel 6 it will be between 78-82, but other than that responsiveness and speed seems to be the same)and it seems slightly worse on channel 1.

I changed some of the pro settings to default and the 2.4ghz network so far seems to be alot better. Particularly i changed Bluetooth coexistence from pre-emptive to off. Shouldn't this have the opposite effect though? Isn't it a good idea to set it to pre-emptive so there is no interference?


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