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RT-N66U to transform wireless to ethernet?

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I need to connect a computer that has not wireless adaptor to a network.
The router/modem is far away from the computer.
Computer is on the 1st floor and router on the ground floor.
I have my RT-N66U so I was thinking to use it to connect to the actual wireless and use the ethernet port to give connection to the computer.

I do not need to extend the wireless, just to give connection to the computer.

Can I do this with the Merlin Software?

I think Asus calls that "Media Bridge" mode.
Yes, you can.

Simply connect to the main ssid from your main router.

Plug in the computer to any one of the RT-N66U's LAN ports.

You should be connected. :)
When I rebooted the router this morning to do some extra test, it has connected to the 2.4 network automatically as repetear mode (couldn´t make it work yesterday) and I am having full speed (50mbs fibre) by cable so I am going to try this method.

The problem I find is that it is using a secondary network address to my devices.
Not sure if this will work with chromecast and othet devices.
My main network is 192.168.0.X and the asus is giving 192.168.1.X to the devices.

Any suggestions?
Reboots (soft or hard) work wonders with electronics (almost all of them). :)

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