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Slow laptop with RT-AC86U

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Senior Member
I'm using a RT-AC86U with Merlin's beta2. When I check my laptop speed on speedtest.net, I'm lucky to get 30Mbps down. My service is capped at 60Mbps. All other wireless devices on my network have no problem hitting the cap.
For fun, i flashed my old N66U with John's latest fork. My laptop hit 60Mbps. I checked the settings between the two routers and they appear to be the same.
Is this just a case of my laptop working better with the older 2.4GHz drivers?
Do you have 20mhz or 40mhz bandwidth set on the 2.4ghz channel.

20mhz can only push so much data before your at the limit. Whats the TX rate under your network adapter.
I currently have it set to 20/40, but I've tried 20, 40, and 20/40. Neither option seems to make a difference.
My TX rate says 72Mbps.
You usually get 50-60% of your TX rate as actual throughput. So 30mbps sounds about right.

You are using 20mhz, you need to use 40mhz if you want more throughput.

20mhz = 30mbps
40mhz = 60mbps

math checks out
Got it. Thanks. Just seems odd that it behaves just like the other devices with old drivers.

20/40 means the router is supposed to select bandwidth automatically depending on how crowed your wireless area is with other access points.

Between the two firmwares, the sensitivity thresholds might of changed. Just manually override it, no issues.

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