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Traffic Limiter / Bandwidth Cap -- Is It Possible?

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Occasional Visitor
Hey all, new here but hoping someone can help me.

I have a home network setup being controlled by an ASUS NT-R66U "Dark Knight" router. I've flashed the firmware to the latest Merlin build, 380.59.0. I have a combination of various devices connected such as Macs, PC's, iPad, iPhone, Android, XB1, Roku, etc.

The issue I'm having is that User X is a family member & bandwidth hog. If allowed uncontrolled, User X will stream movie and music videos until we are throttled by our ISP, or charged for overage/abuse. I will spare the gory details, but we've had the talks, previously kicked them off the home network, etc.

That said, User X has asked for access again. But to do so I have to implement some controls. I can setup time constraints, and QoS to cap upload/download speeds. However, what I am really looking for is a way to cap overall bandwidth for a certain time period. For instance, maybe 100gb in 30 days, and preferably with a daily cap option. Once the cap is reached, they would be shut off from service.

If my router firmware has this option, I'm not clearly seeing or understanding it. Any pointers or suggestions you guys/gals can help with?

FYI, doing some research I saw this came up in the BETA version. Sounds like "Traffic Limiter" may be exactly what I need.


Thank you very much for sharing this. Will test this now.

About commit: 6814cd9 webui: Hide Traffic Limiter page as this feature isn't ready yet

are u refer to the limit bandwith option at or to a new page / feature ?

Traffic Limiter is not the same thing as Bandwidth Limiter (despite the confusing names).

Traffic Limiter is a new feature that will allow you to configure the monthly quota allocated by your ISP. When you get too close to that limit, it will be able to either notify you or cut off your connection.
Best way to deal with someone like User X is kick them off the network...

Second best - perhaps consider putting an old 11g router in play with it's own SSID/WPA2 passphrase - giving them sole/total access to that SSID on it's own channel... and the hook it up to an old 10BaseT hub...

That'll slow them right the heck down :D

But you do bring up a good point - policy management is lacking in consumer grade routers - where one can set a weekly/monthly/daily quota, along with QoS parameters - your provider has this functionality, that's how they manage quotas and bandwidth - but this capability does come at a cost...
I agree, cutting them off would be much easier. But since it's also a family issue, it's not quite that simple. So I am trying to implement some controls, if possible.

Right now I can't really afford to buy more advanced equipment. So if there is a way to turn on "Traffic Limiter" that Merlin mentioned in his previous quotes, I would be most grateful. It sounds like it will allow the ASUS to do what I need.

Maybe I am just being too hopeful.
I think you missed the part where Traffic Limiter is not implemented in any firmware yet. :(
I think you missed the part where Traffic Limiter is not implemented in any firmware yet. :(

Off-topic help:

L&LD I have seen u reply to most of query - I have one and I dont see any option to directly message you.

AC68U | Stock : R/W 11/8 MB/s over USB 3 with USB 3.0 interfere off

RMerlin told me to check on HDD instead of pendrive, but results are same.

Now he might be busy so have an hope that you will reply, for guidance over this slow USB speeds.
Off-topic help:

L&LD I have seen u reply to most of query - I have one and I dont see any option to directly message you.

AC68U | Stock : R/W 11/8 MB/s over USB 3 with USB 3.0 interfere off

RMerlin told me to check on HDD instead of pendrive, but results are same.

Now he might be busy so have an hope that you will reply, for guidance over this slow USB speeds.

Not sure what your (original) question is, but those speeds seem fine to me, depending on the size and type of file you're transferring and what you're transferring it to and how (wired or wireless).

If you want faster, a NAS is what you want.
Not sure what your (original) question is, but those speeds seem fine to me, depending on the size and type of file you're transferring and what you're transferring it to and how (wired or wireless).

If you want faster, a NAS is what you want.

Wirelessly it is 11R/8W MB/s
Wired it is 15R/12W MB/s

As RMerlin said the speed should be 50MB/s (Read), hence I am worried.

So L&LD this speeds are okay and I don't need to configure anything further?

original thread - http://www.snbforums.com/threads/persistent-low-r-w-speed-over-usb.33735/#post-271356
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No, the speeds are not okay. But I would not know where to start to begin fixing it (sorry).

Like a said a true NAS is the only way to have real throughput improvements.

(And I'm assuming you're testing with a very large (1GB or larger) file, have tried different drive formats like ext2, fat32 and NTFS and have tested the read and write speeds on an actual computer to see if the usb drive is actually capable of moving data faster).
No, the speeds are not okay. But I would not know where to start to begin fixing it (sorry).

Like a said a true NAS is the only way to have real throughput improvements.

(And I'm assuming you're testing with a very large (1GB or larger) file, have tried different drive formats like ext2, fat32 and NTFS and have tested the read and write speeds on an actual computer to see if the usb drive is actually capable of moving data faster).

Yes Tried with ext3, 4, fat32, ntfs.
File size I checked are 200/500MB and upto 1-4GB, on actual PC and Nexus both.

And drives are capable as checked earlier on PC.

L&LD I understand there is nothing you can tell me to initiate, but should I try different FW for it? I m unfortunately on restricted fw.
I do not know of any firmware that is totally restricted yet?

Use the Asus Firmware Recovery tool to flash any firmware you want to test.
Oh I didn't knew that, I wanted to use 380.59 but RMerlin's one post said and above are not compitable with 380.59 so I was confused.
I do not know of any firmware that is totally restricted yet?

Use the Asus Firmware Recovery tool to flash any firmware you want to test.
Not from the gui, but from the recovery tool, it is (possible).
My last question on this is I dont use any scripts & JSSF thing is new for me & its not usefull to me at moment so do I need to take any care for JSSF during recovery or such?
My last question on this is I dont use any scripts & JSSF thing is new for me & its not usefull to me at moment so do I need to take any care for JSSF during recovery or such?

If you're not using scripts at all, I would still format the partition and then reboot 3 times in a row (the rebooting is required), waiting 5 minutes before doing the next reboot to get the router to a good known state.

If you were using scripts, you would want to make a backup of the for safekeeping.
If you're not using scripts at all, I would still format the partition and then reboot 3 times in a row (the rebooting is required), waiting 5 minutes before doing the next reboot to get the router to a good known state.

If you were using scripts, you would want to make a backup of the for safekeeping.
Thanks for the quick guide, I shall flash and test all things I want.
If you're not using scripts at all, I would still format the partition and then reboot 3 times in a row (the rebooting is required), waiting 5 minutes before doing the next reboot to get the router to a good known state.

If you were using scripts, you would want to make a backup of the for safekeeping.
I did all from scratch, unfortunately ended up with the same transfer speeds. may be this is the limit of the router I think.
Yes, so it seems (the combined limit of the router, your USB drive and your network setup, including the files you use and test with).

Do you try without 'all' of your customizations too, as a test?
I lastly checked with minimal configuration.

upnp/samba - checked
usb3 interference - unchecked
all others settings as per default.

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