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VLAN support

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Is there any way that vlan's can be implemented into the next firmware? I am running on my N-16 and have had it running since I installed it with no complaints. The only thing that it is missing that Tomato had is vlan's. I would like to have separate vlans for my security system (IP cams and Arduino controller) so that it is separated from the rest of the network. I would also like to have my guests on a separate vlan with their own IP pool so that it is easier to recognize them and track their traffic.

Keep up the amazing work.
No plans to introduce VLAN support, sorry. That would require extensive changes throughout the firmware, which could lead to stability issues, or making it difficult to merge with newer Asus code as they release it. This falls outside the scope of this project.

You might be able to manually configure things through a startup script. I don't know the details however, as I never played with VLANs.
That's fine. I definately do not want to mess with with the stability. I will look to see if I can do something from the command line. Is there a good write-up or wiki on terminal commands? I know some commands from Linux and Cisco OS, but some of them, such as iwlist scan and iwlist -down do not work. Thanks.
That's fine. I definately do not want to mess with with the stability. I will look to see if I can do something from the command line. Is there a good write-up or wiki on terminal commands? I know some commands from Linux and Cisco OS, but some of them, such as iwlist scan and iwlist -down do not work. Thanks.

There's no real documentation on the web. Proprietary commands such as the "wl" tool are part of Broadcom's SDK, so you would have to pay them a few thousand $$$ to get the associated documentation.

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