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Wireless Webcam for Merlin

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Occasional Visitor
Hi All,
I am expecting a baby in the coming month :eek:. My wife and I would love to have the ability to monitor the baby from a different room.

Most of my colleagues and friends love the dropcam/nestcam but I am absolutely opposed to having a 24hr video and audio feed of my house to someone elses server. Recordings of which are most likely being stored and processed for who-knows what purpose.

I have run entware and can get a usb webcam to show video feed on LAN. This works well as I can VPN in and see the cam on the LAN via http. However, the cam has to be wired and has no sound.

Has anyone here built/solved a similar issue with wireless ip cams?

Any direction is appreciated. :)

I have given up on trying to keep a router running web cams stable. Yes it possible but I need 100% reliability. I too didn't want any of my feeds being routed out to some cloud platform just for viewing outside of the home.

What I did was buy some inexpensive Wi-Fi cameras from D-Link when they were on sale a Fry's. I then had an old laptop laying around running windows and I used BlueIris software on it to be the DVR and watch the live camera. I remote into my network via VPN and can watch any camera and playback the video that triggered the motion record.

More information here:

dedicated wifi ip cameras are really not that expensive nowadays and they work pretty well. there's really no reason why one would bother running an USB webcam off the router

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