Recent content by eRajesh

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  1. eRajesh

    WME on AC66U? Also, wireless time machine backups?

    Hi Merlin! Once again, thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it. Bonjour is not proprietary. You can read about it here. Not telling that you should implement it. Just telling that it is open source and a genius like you can implement it as well -
  2. eRajesh

    WME on AC66U? Also, wireless time machine backups?

    Hi! Can you explain in detailed steps? I have a 500GB HDD connected to my AC66U with one partition dedicated for Time machine backups. When I connnect the HDD directly, Time Machine can do backups to the HDD just fine. However, I cannot access this partition when the HDD is connected to...
  3. eRajesh

    WME on AC66U? Also, wireless time machine backups?

    Hi! Thanks for replying. Not possible to add this feature to the AC66U? :( Also, any idea about WME? Not possible to wake up Macs over WiFi if router does not have WME support.
  4. eRajesh

    WME on AC66U? Also, wireless time machine backups?

    Hi guys! I got a ASUS AC66U recently and wanted to get Wake On Lan feature to work. However, even after setting up everything on my Mac, I was not able to wake up my 2011 Mac Mini or 2012 MacBook Air. A bit of Googling later, I come to know that the router must support Wireless Multimedia...