sip alg

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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. T

    SIP ALG - Any Help is Appreciated

    Guys, and gals, I started working from home this week and my employer has us using their Softphone for "business". Problem is that after 15 minutes the call is kicked - line is connected but no sound on either end. I was sent this link to troubleshoot my issue...
  2. R

    SIP Passthrough

    Until recently, I had an RT-AC87u with merlin on it. Recently I updated my router and replaced it with RT-AC86U. (The Asus numbering scheme is weird - the 86 is way newer than the 87. Go figure.) The new router AC86U is running Merlin 384.4_2. For quite a while I've used Onsip as my...
  3. M

    Asus RT-N66U SIP NAT Passthrough - disable / enable

    Hi all, I have used an Asus RT-N66U router for several years now and it has worked flawlessly with my VOIP provider. Last week while checking up on the router and I noticed I was a few firmware updates behind so I decided to do an update. Unfortunately after the firmware update my VOIP...