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AB-Solution 1.07 is out!

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Very nice tool! Two small questions:
  1. Is there a reason why it does not completely live in /jffs? (apart from the log file). I get the impression there is no real need for an ubs device, except for the log (if used), or is the reason you don't want to write to /jffs too often (refreshing host files every week). Temp files (and even log) could be written to RAM and the whole solution would be independend from an external USB device.
  2. How does the crontab entry survives a reboot?
Thanks again.
The reasons are not writing to /jffs too often and, more importantly, the future features that will need a USB device anyway.
How big is your hosts-adblock when it succeeds?
temp1 and temp2 as well as hosts-adblock exist in full size for a short time before the temp files are deleted.

Sorting takes the content from temp1 and writes it to temp2 then out of temp2 hosts-adblock is written.
So, while sorting you have at least twice the size of your hosts-adblock. That could be more than the available space on the device.


Here's my size:
12586588 May 10 13:48 hosts-adblock

so that's
12,586,588 bytes or 12mb. So do I need at least 30mb of free space? Looks like I have 36mb on sdb1.

:/tmp/mnt/sdb1/adblocking# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                28928     28928         0 100% /
devtmpfs                127752         0    127752   0% /dev
tmpfs                   127856      5772    122084   5% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock4           64256      2564     61692   4% /jffs
/dev/sdb1               118380     75694     36574  67% /tmp/mnt/sdb1

Here's my size:
12586588 May 10 13:48 hosts-adblock

so that's
12,586,588 bytes or 12mb. So do I need at least 30mb of free space? Looks like I have 36mb on sdb1.

:/tmp/mnt/sdb1/adblocking# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                28928     28928         0 100% /
devtmpfs                127752         0    127752   0% /dev
tmpfs                   127856      5772    122084   5% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock4           64256      2564     61692   4% /jffs
/dev/sdb1               118380     75694     36574  67% /tmp/mnt/sdb1
The raw hosts files will be larger in the two temp files and together with the (old) hosts-adblock exhaust the available space. Try a larger USB device or a smaller combination of hosts file type.

Nice to use, just replaced my previous adblock solution based on your previous script by this one :)

I just found a little glitch :

If big(s) filesystem(s) is(are) mounted in /tmp/mnt (typically CIFS on NAS), the script is pretty long to run as the "find_adblock_device()" function parse all /tmp/mnt with find to detect $confFile.


btw, thx for your great work

Nice to use, just replaced my previous adblock solution based on your previous script by this one :)

I just found a little glitch :

If big(s) filesystem(s) is(are) mounted in /tmp/mnt (typically CIFS on NAS), the script is pretty long to run as the "find_adblock_device()" function parse all /tmp/mnt with find to detect $confFile.


btw, thx for your great work
Good of you to mention that. I'll see what I can do for the next release.
You add these lines to the /adblocking/whitelist.txt file. Then run (p) in AB-Solution.

The script will have copied itself to the root directory of your USB device.
You can run it by entering: sh /tmp/mnt/<your device>/ab-solution.sh

My usb is not showing under windows 10, so I cannot access the text file.
My usb is not showing under windows 10, so I cannot access the text file.
Download and install WinSCP. Then login with your router (ssh) credentials (selecting scp as Protocol, not sftp).
Saved for future use
Just wanted to thank you again, makes browsing at home a nice, clean experience.
It's gonna be a while until I have time do do any further development. But eventually the next version(s) will come out.
It's gonna be a while until I have time do do any further development. But eventually the next version(s) will come out.

I completely understand life gets in the way for development and I appreciate everything you have done as 95% of ads are now gone in some form. However, I saw in this thread that 1.08 was in beta and added ipv6 support. I am currently running 1.07 and have ipv6 disabled since ads weren't blocked. Is 1.08 good for regular use or still beta testing I would like to re-enable ipv6?

Thank you again.
I completely understand life gets in the way for development and I appreciate everything you have done as 95% of ads are now gone in some form. However, I saw in this thread that 1.08 was in beta and added ipv6 support. I am currently running 1.07 and have ipv6 disabled since ads weren't blocked. Is 1.08 good for regular use or still beta testing I would like to re-enable ipv6?

Thank you again.

I am currently running 1.08 with no problems.
Can someone tell me why isn't this thread sticky? :D
Very useful.

It's a non-Merlin solution that's not for everyone and in a few cases can cause issues, I'm guessing. I think stickies should be reserved for official Merlin stuff. But yeah, this is a great solution for people like myself.
Is it possible that optware and delayed start of minidlna is conflicting with ab-solution in the post-mount script? Had some issues until now when rebooting.
Is it possible that optware and delayed start of minidlna is conflicting with ab-solution in the post-mount script? Had some issues until now when rebooting.
If you installed AB-Solution after installing optware then yes, post-mount has been replaced by the script. Look for the original file in <your device>/adblocking/backup/ and copy/paste the missing entries into the /jffs/scripts/post-mount file.
The reboot.
I completely understand life gets in the way for development and I appreciate everything you have done as 95% of ads are now gone in some form. However, I saw in this thread that 1.08 was in beta and added ipv6 support. I am currently running 1.07 and have ipv6 disabled since ads weren't blocked. Is 1.08 good for regular use or still beta testing I would like to re-enable ipv6?

Thank you again.
1.08 is not really a beta version ;).
To keep the naming consistent I increased the version number, added a few simple lines of code to support IPv6 and tagged it <beta> so I can call it the same version number when I release the one with more features.
You can use it, it's as stable as v1.07!

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