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AiMesh Node issue with Samba mounted USB Drives

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I already had the sub-directories created. It was a drive I moved from my PC. Maybe you can unmount it and connect to a PC. Mine was NTFS format.
I did the same but the first time I clicked on the drive, it prompts for password, I've entered the username/password then it showed me the folders on the drive. As soon as I tried to open the folder, it again prompt for the username/password but this time when I tried the same username/password, I get access denied. I can't even access the sub-directories like you said. Mine is also formatted it as NTFS.

I did the same but the first time I clicked on the drive, it prompts for password, I've entered the username/password then it showed me the folders on the drive. As soon as I tried to open the folder, it again prompt for the username/password but this time when I tried the same username/password, I get access denied. I can't even access the sub-directories like you said. Mine is also formatted it as NTFS.

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I confess - I've never gotten Samba password protection to work on my main router. So I turned it off. (Allow guest login). I'm not worried since I trust anyone who has access to my network.
So maybe that setting got propagated to the Mesh node.
I don't pretend to know what I'm doing...I come here to read and learn. I have 2 RT AC5300 in Aimesh and I have a 4TB HDD usb plugged into a RP AC68U in media bridge mode and I can access all the files on the drive in Windows..don't ask me how, but it works. All security setting enabled on the router..maybe because the drive is not directly attached to the main?

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