Hi all, I've got an AIMesh network set up with an AC86U as the root, and then two AC68Us as nodes. I noticed today that I can't access the guest network unless I'm in range of the root node - it seems it's not being replicated on the nodes.
I had a quick google, and see that Asus added the functionality to "Sync to AiMesh Node", so I thought I'd just enable that. But the option doesn't appear to be there for my nodes.
Is this feature not available on Merlin? Or is it something new (I'm on v386.9 for all 3 nodes at the moment). I can't see any mention of this feature in the release notes/changelog.
I had a quick google, and see that Asus added the functionality to "Sync to AiMesh Node", so I thought I'd just enable that. But the option doesn't appear to be there for my nodes.
Is this feature not available on Merlin? Or is it something new (I'm on v386.9 for all 3 nodes at the moment). I can't see any mention of this feature in the release notes/changelog.