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Anyone using a Philips Hue?

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Very Senior Member
I have been hacking (truly hacking, lots of bits and pieces) an addon that will control Philips Hue lights/groups and scenes.

I have a version running reasonably well on an AX88U Pro. It started as a way to make one of my Hue bulbs change colors based on the results of spdmerlin. Green for speeds over 100 Mbit/sec, Yellow for 20-99 and Red for less than 20.
The base code was from Harald van der Laan on github. It was based on bash so I converted it to /bin/sh, added some "addon style" install structure - then did some major changes.

My version supports "scenes", a way to authenticate the Hue Bridge during install, better display of lights and groups and scenes and a way to convert a color to it's xy coordinates.

I am now tweaking it so you can change the actual color of the light by just specifying a color (no xy stuff).

If there is any interest, I will post the install (stolen shamelessly from @Jack Yaz ) and an early version.

Now, the tough part - I am going OOT next Tuesday. Away From Keyboard as they say. ;-)
There are no doubt a few test cases that escaped me. I will address them - in a few weeks...

If there is interest, let me know.

BTW, as an example of usage:
Merlinhue Version 0.1.0

Usage:            merlinhue <command> | <light|group|scene> <number|name> <action> <value> [<value>]
power usage            :  merlinhue light|group n state <on|off>
saturation             :  merlinhue light|group n sat <0-255>
brightness             :  merlinhue light|group n bri <0-255>
hue                    :  merlinhue light|group n hue <0-65535>
xy gamut               :  merlinhue light|group n xy <0.0-1.0> <0.0-1.0>
ct color temp          :  merlinhue light|group n ct <153-500>
color cycle            :  merlinhue light|group n cycle <0-65535> <0-65535>
scene                  :  merlinhue scene scenename group

show lights/groups     :  merlinhue show
colors - list colors   :  merlinhue colors
convert - color to xy  :  merlinhue convert <color>
help (this screen)     :  merlinhue help
install                :  merlinhue install
uninstall              :  merlinhue install

I am re-working the power usage to allow an extra argument after "on". You would do

$ merlinhue light 5 state on Red
Please post it! We will add this to the software catalog! AWESOME!! :)
Interesting indeed.....looking forward to it!
Thank you. I am interested.
How about a flashing red living room bulb when there is a new Merlin update? The wife will just love that.

I'm all in and all hued up.
How do you find out which number belongs to which bulb?

(I use many Hue bulbs)
There is a command called "show". It can show you all your lights, groups and scenes
How about a flashing red living room bulb when there is a new Merlin update? The wife will just love that.

I'm all in and all hued up.
Flashing a light (and color) should be pretty easy. Something like

while true
mhue light 3 state on red
sleep 1
mhue light 3 state off

I started this project to notify of a few things going on in my network.
One was to monitor spdmerlin speed test results. Based on the download speed, I have a light that is either green (good speed), yellow (ok, but not great) and red (slooow).
I also have a script that monitors a T-Mobile 5G gateway. I found that when it slows down, rebooting it brings it back to reasonable speed. But the reboot takes minutes.
So, I turn on another light to show its rebooting then turn it off when its back online.
Flashing a light (and color) should be pretty easy. Something like

while true
mhue light 3 state on red
sleep 1
mhue light 3 state off
Sounds like a great use-csse for the red light district in Amsterdam! ;)
Sounds like a great use-csse for the red light district in Amsterdam! ;)
Casa Griswald is Hue'd on the exterior only (house and garden/walkway).
At my age, I'm more reclined to visit "The Green Light District", strictly for medicinal purposes only I assure you 💨

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