Hi all,
Currently running an AX86U with a couple of XT8s operating as AIMesh nodes. Generally the system works very well, but it seems to be unable to cope when one or other device is downloading a large file. For example, if my son starts a download on Steam then almost the full bandwidth is dedicated to his laptop to the expense of other devices - my Valorant gaming teenager immediately complains loudly about packet loss etc and streaming on other devices grinds to a halt. The same happens if I start a download on the Sky Q box. I have tried using QOS and Adaptive QOS, prioritising Gaming and Streaming over all other things, but nothing seems to help. The only thing that works is to put a bandwidth limiter on the relevant devices, but this seems to be a fairly basic way to manage things.
My Internet is not very fast (about 30MB) and I have told the router this when selecting the QoS option so it shouldn't be allocating 30Mb to a single device, but yet it quite happily does this. Does anyone have any hints or tips on this - my family are going to start killing each other soon!
Currently running an AX86U with a couple of XT8s operating as AIMesh nodes. Generally the system works very well, but it seems to be unable to cope when one or other device is downloading a large file. For example, if my son starts a download on Steam then almost the full bandwidth is dedicated to his laptop to the expense of other devices - my Valorant gaming teenager immediately complains loudly about packet loss etc and streaming on other devices grinds to a halt. The same happens if I start a download on the Sky Q box. I have tried using QOS and Adaptive QOS, prioritising Gaming and Streaming over all other things, but nothing seems to help. The only thing that works is to put a bandwidth limiter on the relevant devices, but this seems to be a fairly basic way to manage things.
My Internet is not very fast (about 30MB) and I have told the router this when selecting the QoS option so it shouldn't be allocating 30Mb to a single device, but yet it quite happily does this. Does anyone have any hints or tips on this - my family are going to start killing each other soon!