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AX1100 dropping internet connection

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Over the last couple of days my otherwise previously faultless AX11000 has been losing speed and dropping the connection to my FTTP broadband. I changed provider over a month ago (from BT to Sky in the UK) and all was good for the first 4 weeks or so. The problem seems to occur if I'm downloading a large file, after around 7 or 8 minutes the connection speed starts to drop until it eventually comes to a halt. The only way I can reconnect is to reboot the router.

My system includes 2 XT8s to form a wireless mesh which has been running fine for just under a year. All have been running Merlin/GNUton FW for months and I installed to the latest version (386.7_2) around a week ago.

Yesterday I did a complete factory reset of the AX11000 and XT8s and left the majority of the settings as is, just in case anything I’d altered was causing a problem (e.g. I’d been using Google’s DNS servers) but today the connection is still slowing dramatically.

I’m wondering what to try next; I could revert to stock Asus FW or the previous Merlin FW (is it possible to do this?). I’ve never used the ISP supplied routers as I’d lose the mesh system which works well for me but this is another option to try, albeit one I don’t really want to take.

I’ve literally spent the last 2 days trying to resolve this myself without success but I’m far from an expert on these matters so would really appreciate some advice please about my next steps.
You mentioned you already did a hard reset on the router, did you setup from scratch or did you upload an older config file after the reset? Also, before going to the stock firmware...try also restarting the modem and temporarily disconnect the 2 XT8s and try downloading again and monitor.
You mentioned you already did a hard reset on the router, did you setup from scratch or did you upload an older config file after the reset? Also, before going to the stock firmware...try also restarting the modem and temporarily disconnect the 2 XT8s and try downloading again and monitor.
Hi and thanks for the quick response. I hard reset the router and the XT8s and completely started from scratch. I set up the router first and then, later in the day, added each of the XT8's one at a time (again from scratch). I did some random download tests afterwards (yesterday) and all was well. However, this morning the speed slowdown has returned.

I don't have a modem as such as the connection is via an ONT; I disconnected it from the AX11000 for around 20 minutes just prior to resetting the router but didn't turn the ONT off, perhaps I should try this? Otherwise, I'm starting to think that it may be FW related because re-reading my original post seems to indicate that this was the most recent change to my system which happened just prior to the slowdown events (I was away for a few days after I upgraded the FW so didn't use the PC during that time and therefore only noticed it this last few days). It's driving me mad!
Maybe get your connection to a point where it says "connected" from there record your time, and keep track of the system log on the router until the point where the connection is lost again. If possible share the log here. It might help us understand what the issue is a little better.
After this morning's slowdown I downloaded the log which I attach as requested; the slowdown was about 10.25. I do look at the logs but can't usually work out what most of the entries mean apart from the most basic stuff.


  • syslog (5).txt
    47.7 KB · Views: 66
can you read the text file ? no formatting on this end.
measure your speed with lan port connection with same device and main router when you see a slow down. Likely a wireless or firmware issue if firmware was the only change. Sometimes it takes a few hard resets to factory to get it to completely stick.

if the lan speed test indicates slow down, then either firmware or ISP - maybe throttling due to usage or neighborhood getting busy ( typical of cable type isp layout).
can you read the text file ? no formatting on this end.
measure your speed with lan port connection with same device and main router when you see a slow down. Likely a wireless or firmware issue if firmware was the only change. Sometimes it takes a few hard resets to factory to get it to completely stick.

if the lan speed test indicates slow down, then either firmware or ISP - maybe throttling due to usage or neighborhood getting busy ( typical of cable type isp layout).
Sorry, not sure about posting logs, is this better?

Oct 2 10:26:27 kernel: Init chrdev /dev/idp with major 190
Oct 2 10:26:27 kernel: tdts: tcp_conn_max = 8000
Oct 2 10:26:27 kernel: tdts: tcp_conn_timeout = 300 sec
Oct 2 10:26:29 kernel: SHN Release Version: 2.0.2 36f59aa
Oct 2 10:26:29 kernel: UDB Core Version: 0.2.20
Oct 2 10:26:29 kernel: Init chrdev /dev/idpfw with major 191
Oct 2 10:26:29 kernel: IDPfw: flush fc
Oct 2 10:26:29 kernel: IDPfw: IDPfw is ready
Oct 2 10:26:29 kernel: sizeof forward pkt param = 280
Oct 2 10:26:29 BWDPI: fun bitmap = 3
Oct 2 10:26:40 BWDPI: force to flush flowcache entries
Oct 2 10:26:40 kernel: IDPfw: Exit IDPfw
Oct 2 10:26:40 kernel: mod epilog takes 0 jiffies
Oct 2 10:26:40 kernel: IDPfw: Exit IDPfw
Oct 2 10:26:40 kernel: Exit chrdev /dev/idpfw with major 191
Oct 2 10:26:40 kernel: Exit chrdev /dev/idp with major 190
Oct 2 10:26:40 BWDPI: rollback fc
Oct 2 10:32:27 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(491): eth7: Deauth_ind 52:D8:A9:FF:6E:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:0
Oct 2 10:32:27 hostapd: eth7: STA 52:d8:a9:ff:6e:bd IEEE 802.11: disassociated
Oct 2 10:32:27 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(508): eth7: Disassoc 52:D8:A9:FF:6E:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Oct 2 10:32:27 hostapd: eth7: STA 52:d8:a9:ff:6e:bd IEEE 802.11: disassociated
Oct 2 10:34:26 kernel: Init chrdev /dev/idp with major 190
Oct 2 10:34:26 kernel: tdts: tcp_conn_max = 8000
Oct 2 10:34:26 kernel: tdts: tcp_conn_timeout = 300 sec
Oct 2 10:34:28 kernel: SHN Release Version: 2.0.2 36f59aa
Oct 2 10:34:28 kernel: UDB Core Version: 0.2.20
Oct 2 10:34:28 kernel: Init chrdev /dev/idpfw with major 191
Oct 2 10:34:28 kernel: IDPfw: flush fc
Oct 2 10:34:28 kernel: IDPfw: IDPfw is ready
Oct 2 10:34:28 kernel: sizeof forward pkt param = 280
Oct 2 10:34:28 BWDPI: fun bitmap = 3
Oct 2 10:34:39 BWDPI: force to flush flowcache entries
Oct 2 10:34:39 kernel: IDPfw: Exit IDPfw
Oct 2 10:34:39 kernel: mod epilog takes 0 jiffies
Oct 2 10:34:39 kernel: IDPfw: Exit IDPfw
Oct 2 10:34:39 kernel: Exit chrdev /dev/idpfw with major 191
Oct 2 10:34:39 kernel: Exit chrdev /dev/idp with major 190
Oct 2 10:34:40 BWDPI: rollback fc
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth6: STA d4:5d:64:cd:78:01 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth6: STA 00:0e:58:51:cb:78 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth6: STA c8:db:26:06:50:c5 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth6: STA 9c:ae:d3:12:3d:da WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth6: STA d4:5d:64:cd:75:a1 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth6: STA 54:2a:1b:46:e5:0e WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth6: STA 5c:aa:fd:d2:a5:88 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth7: STA bc:d7:d4:50:eb:29 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth7: STA 14:c1:4e:3c:7a:4d WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth7: STA ac:67:84:15:bb:c9 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth7: STA 00:05:cd:ed:cd:42 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth7: STA d8:eb:46:c1:0b:44 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth7: STA cc:b1:1a:be:ee:7c WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth8: STA d4:5d:64:cd:78:08 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: eth8: STA d4:5d:64:cd:75:a8 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: wl0.2: STA 38:a6:ce:04:c5:56 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: wl0.2: STA 0e:7c:e0:39:78:2a WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: wl0.2: STA 0e:fc:e0:31:8e:9a WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: wl0.2: STA 0e:fc:e0:2c:0c:c2 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: wl0.2: STA 3a:53:67:02:c5:52 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:43:47 hostapd: wl0.2: STA 0e:fc:e0:3a:4c:da WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)
Oct 2 10:44:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(491): eth6: Deauth_ind 5C:AA:FD:D2:A5:88, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Oct 2 10:44:06 hostapd: eth6: STA 5c:aa:fd:d2:a5:88 IEEE 802.11: disassociated
which device does this mac address belong to >Deauth_ind 52:D8:A9:FF:6E:BD ?
Looks a bit like either sleeping or too busy to respond
I couldn't figure out what that mac address was until my brother came round for his usual morning coffee today and realised it's his mobile phone. He's only here for about 30 minutes each day.
As per your earlier suggestion I'm going to do another hard reset on the router as one of my Sky satellite boxes and the Sonos roam lost connection to the network this morning, something that didn't happen before the FW upgrade ☹️
Hopefully that should help...I would also try removing the AIMesh routers (temporarily) and run without of them for a few days to see if you're still having slow down issues.
Glad I came across your post because I’ve had the exact same issue and have been tearing my hair out to try and resolve the it. I have a TPG FTTN connection with a Asus GT-AX11000 as the primary router connected to an Asus RT-AC5300 in AiMesh. I had been using a Huawei HG659 in bridge mode for modem with no major problems since getting the GT-AX in February. But 2-3 days after updating the Merlin Firmware in both there were hundreds of dropouts. I lost connection to my Sonos and unable to use any of my Tuya Smart home products. I’m on holiday but my time has been consume with trying different solutions and scouring the internets for anything. I’ve literally tried everything. I’ve used a few different HG659s, a few TP-link Archer VR1600v2s, a Fritz!box 7390 and 7490, and all fail in some way. The most promising was the Fritz!Box 7490 when the GT-AX11000 showed 115mb/s down and 40mb/S up internet connection similar to the DSL in the modem but there was no connections to the internet. The Tuya devices, Sonos and google nest products remain unusable and no pages would load. I did try reverting to 2 previous versions of the Merlin firmware and ASUS stick firmware but to no avail. It isn’t the dsl because I can connect to the internet with full speed with any of the modems and my MacBook Pro or an ASUS Vivobook running Ubuntu 22.04. It the ASUS routers and it’s firmware related. I had similar problems with the RT-AC5300 years ago but things seemed to stabilise. The thing that annoys me the most about this is that this issue should not happen. This is the very basis of home internet and networking - a modem relaying an internet connection to a router and yet the online forums are filled with people who competently follow instructions and even know what they’re doing but continue to fail to get connected. Asus seem to be quite prominent for this which is something I would have liked to know before buying their routers. I have 3 more modems to try with all the different configurations and see myself getting rid of Asus from my network if there is no breakthrough. Good luck!
Glad I came across your post because I’ve had the exact same issue and have been tearing my hair out to try and resolve the it.
So sorry to hear you've been having similar problems to those I had. Like you after I upgraded to the latest Merlin FW the connection to my ISP was unstable and my Sonos speakers also played up (not connecting properly, not responding to voice commands) and my satellite boxes wouldn't function at all in some rooms.
I was very careful to make sure I followed the updating routines to the letter, then spent ages trying to get things working properly again, including a second full reset. However following the advice I received from other forum members here, I tried a third complete reset of the AX 11000 and both of the XT8 nodes. I'll be honest and wasn't convinced it would make much difference as I'd already reset the system twice. But to my surprise it actually appears to have worked.
I did the third reset yesterday and also disconnected the router from the fibre connection which I turned off while resetting everything else. I then powered up the router and ISP connection, reconnected the router and established a connection. Once that was OK I added each of the nodes.
Although it's only been little more than a day everything is working as it should. The internet connection is stable, Sonos is working well and the satellite boxes are all connected. I've no idea why it took 3 resets to get to this point but I'm happy it's all working again. The only downside at this point is that I'm going to be reluctant to upgrade the FW again, though in the past doing so has never caused any problems

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