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connected client list shows devices as "wired"

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Occasional Visitor
using 384.4_2 on a AC-87U.

When from the router main page I click on the list button for visualizing the connected devices they show up as connected by wire rather than wireless. That's not the case, the all have no ethernet connection. Not a major bug, but am I the only one have this "quirk"?
Are you using a wired access point or extender?
using 384.4_2 on a AC-87U.

When from the router main page I click on the list button for visualizing the connected devices they show up as connected by wire rather than wireless. That's not the case, the all have no ethernet connection. Not a major bug, but am I the only one have this "quirk"?
First of all you could have searched and found one of many posts related to this all of which say the same thing. This is out of @RMerlin control. It is an Asus problem with closed source code.
using 384.4_2 on a AC-87U.

When from the router main page I click on the list button for visualizing the connected devices they show up as connected by wire rather than wireless. That's not the case, the all have no ethernet connection. Not a major bug, but am I the only one have this "quirk"?
I have the same issue with the same version on my AC1900P. It only seems to effect wireless clients connected to my guest networks though. Clients connected to my main WiFi are reported correctly as to WiFi and band. Did not have this problem prior to upgrading.

After upgrading I did a factory reset and manually entered all settings.

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