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Voxel Custom firmware build for R7800 v.

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I do not have Mac so cannot check samba 3.x. As far as I know there is netatalk package in my firmware, what is/was used with Mac. TimeMachine(?)

I use the storage for common file sharing, nothing special.
Apple devices use a different implementation for samba, either it’s iPhone, iPad or Mac. WIth the system’s built-in mechanism, ie. File App for iOS and File browser for the Mac, you can browse the samba but never write into the samba3 storage.

Actually, there is a special package for fixing this: vfs_fruit
This package is available since samba 4.14.

”The vfs_fruit module provides enhanced compatibility with Apple SMB clients and interoperability with a Netatalk 3 AFP fileserver.”

This Apple problem actually causes lots of trouble. This is an example:

No such plans (at least now) to include samba 4.x (it is very huge). Sorry.
Stock version supports samba 4.x (old version). I do not know re: other NETGEAR router.
That’s unfortunate.
WIthout the version 4, the samba interactions are crippled. That’s why it’s necessary to have samba4 if you are using any Apple product as the daily driver.
Actually, there is a special package for fixing this: vfs_fruit
This package is available since samba 4.14.
I see. But I see as well that samba from Entware has this module. Package samba4-libs_4.18.0-1_cortex-a15-3x.ipk contains:


So it should be supported by Entware version of samba.
That’s unfortunate.
WIthout the version 4, the samba interactions are crippled. That’s why it’s necessary to have samba4 if you are using any Apple product as the daily driver.
The reason is simple enough. The firmware for R7800 is close to its max size limit. And for example the size of only samba server and necessary libraries (on Entware example) is more than 10MB. I can't include even 3MB additionally in the firmware.

IMO you should continue with Entware. It contains all what you need. The rest depends on your skills in customizing Linux packages from the command line.

I see. But I see as well that samba from Entware has this module. Package samba4-libs_4.18.0-1_cortex-a15-3x.ipk contains:


So it should be supported by Entware version of samba.

Yes, the samba4-libs is a dependent lib. It’s got installed when you install the samba4-server.

The reason is simple enough. The firmware for R7800 is close to its max size limit. And for example the size of only samba server and necessary libraries (on Entware example) is more than 10MB. I can't include even 3MB additionally in the firmware.

IMO you should continue with Entware. It contains all what you need. The rest depends on your skills in customizing Linux packages from the command line.

Oh, the worst situation I feared.
(That’s why I wanted to pick a new one if there’s model recommendation.
I can’t expect myself to become Linux savvy over a few nights.)

Anyway, regarding the usb storage cleared-after-reboot problem, do you have any idea what the reason could be?
I suspect that the ext4 volume mounted to /mnt/sbx1 is actually a symbolic link from /tmp/mnt/sbx1, which itself is a RAM disk. Maybe all of the stuffs were installed to ram?
I could, for example, copy all the installers into the storage using another Linux installation; but, the actual installing commands (/opt/bin/opkg install …) are still running on the router, which still uses the RAM disk path: /tmp/mnt/sdx1… It will not survive a reboot.
How do I solve this?
Anyway, regarding the usb storage cleared-after-reboot problem, do you have any idea what the reason could be?
I suspect that the ext4 volume mounted to /mnt/sbx1 is actually a symbolic link from /tmp/mnt/sbx1, which itself is a RAM disk. Maybe all of the stuffs were installed to ram?
I could, for example, copy all the installers into the storage using another Linux installation; but, the actual installing commands (/opt/bin/opkg install …) are still running on the router, which still uses the RAM disk path: /tmp/mnt/sdx1… It will not survive a reboot.
How do I solve this?
You know, it is too problematic to find/explain what is going with your samba and Entware because I do not see what concretely is happened. What is obvious for you but not for me. What is your problem with Entware at least?

My README explains pretty much everything about installing and using Entware. But it assumes that the user has some knowledge and experience with Linux. Types of file systems, permissions, configuration files, processes, daemons, etc. How can I explain this in a few posts?

For Entware to work properly you need to remove the USB disk, disable ReadyCLOUD (see my README how), reboot, remove /opt altogether, reboot, insert a USB disk that is formatted as ext4, install Entware again, install samba4, configure the configs (using for example the configs from samba3 that are in the firmware), set permissions on the directories that are written in the configs for all users (not only root) and reboot the router. Everything should work after that.

Do you have an understanding of how to do all this above?

(That’s why I wanted to pick a new one if there’s model recommendation.
I can’t expect myself to become Linux savvy over a few nights.)
Sorry I really do not know exact NETGEAR model what would be OK for you. I'm not an employee of NETGEAR.

Do you have an understanding of how to do all this above?

Of course I understand those. The readme guide isn’t exactly a beginner material after all.

I asked about the storage cleared problem because that is the confusing part and it’s not well explained in the readme.

My setup is pretty identical to what‘s described in the readme only that I didn’t remove the readyCloud, since the readme clear states that “you can remove the readyCloud” not “you must remove it”
My setup is pretty identical to what‘s described in the readme only that I didn’t remove the readyCloud, since the readme clear states that “you can remove the readyCloud” not “you must remove it”
Removal of ReadyCLOUD is optional. But it is very desirable. Entware can coexist together with ReadyCLOUD. You can take a look at it


But personally I don't like all these useless cookies from NETGEAR that slow down the router and create additional security holes.

I wrote what I would do in your case.


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