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DNS Resolver Problem

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Very Senior Member
A few days ago I decided to give Quad9 another go for my DNS resolver. However, a few minutes ago I tried to connect to www.amazon.co.uk but just received an error instead. So, I've just reset my router to use Cloudflare and I am now able to connect to Amazon without any problem. Very strange.
A few days ago I decided to give Quad9 another go for my DNS resolver. However, a few minutes ago I tried to connect to www.amazon.co.uk but just received an error instead. So, I've just reset my router to use Cloudflare and I am now able to connect to Amazon without any problem. Very strange.

Quad9 should have a place where you can report false positives. Unfortunately that will happen from time to time with any filtering DNS.
What kind of error? Can't resolve address error or 'we blocked that site' error?

I use Quad9 and sometimes the service is momentarily too busy to resolve my address (I guess), so I F5 and it resolves.

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