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memory buffering optimization for ARM devices

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Senior Member
Reverted the memory buffering optimization
for ARM devices, as people keep panicking
over the lower amount of free RAM. You can
manually re-enable the optimization by setting
"drop_caches=0" in nvram.
How do I do this?
Over SSH:

nvram set drop_caches=0
nvram commit
Someone explained to it to me your Fw thread. The ram usage is currently over 80% and I didn't input those commands yet. It is by chance the setting didn't get set after the update? I didn't do a factory restore.
Someone explained to it to me your Fw thread. The ram usage is currently over 80% and I didn't input those commands yet. It is by chance the setting didn't get set after the update? I didn't do a factory restore.

This will happen if you have a USB disk plugged and you accessed files on it - that will get buffered.
Is this 2 separate thing? The memory buffering optimization caches things other than USB disk activities?

Yes. Disk buffering as done by Samba will still remain in RAM, as it has always been.

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