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NAS recommendation

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My previous NAS unit, a Readynas Duo, fried - I introduced a malfunctioning harddisk, causing electrical damage to NAS and to the other harddisk inside tha NAS. Now I try to recover my data from the parity disk (but this is another story).

I'm looking for a replacement unit, something with the following features:
- surge protection (from main adapter but also from malfunctioning harddisks)
- able to run python scripts and schedule them (pyhton and cron combination will do)
- able to run Transmission BT
- able to RAID 1 with different harddisks (model and size) - my fried unit used the proprietary X-RAID, leaving me in a lot of trouble.

So far I found QNAP TS-219P+ / TS-219P / TS-210 or Synology DS21x units.

What do you recommend ?
NASes don't have any particular surge protection. Use a UPS.

You can use different sized drives with any NAS. But the RAID volume will be restricted to size of the smallest capacity drive.

RAID is not backup, as you now know. If you can live within a 2 TB capacity, but two single-bay NASes vs. one two bay.
I use an UPS w/ surge protection, but in my case the damage was caused by a defective harddisk - I think the HDD power connectors were shorted (or similar). The defective HDD was "new".
Ouch. Don't know of any NAS that would have had protection against that.
Most PSUs have a surge protection system, protecting the PSU and the system from internal AND external overcharge. I think a NAS should implement something similar (they are quite expensive units).

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