Had an old SMC Barricade that finally gave up. I need to now replace it. We are moving into a new home and my wife doesnt want me to tear the place up running cables
So I guess I am going Wifi (at least that was my order). My laptop has a N card and her old one a G so I guess that means mixed mode. My children have a desktop that they use and I will be putting a wifi card in it as well. My desktop I usually hard wire and would like to try the 10/100/1000 route. My concern is wireless range. The modem and router will be in the office/basement of the house. Good news is the kids computer will be right above this room. The wife, well god only knows where she will use her laptop in the house. She will be surfing the web/emailing. Kids do play some online games, and so do I. I admit to being a WoW addict. I also play TF2 and a few others. Would really appreciate any recomendations as trying to sort through this stuff is making me crazy.
Thanks Jeff

Thanks Jeff