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Please Check This Proposed Synology NAS!!!

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Hey guys, I am a computer savvy NAS virgin, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I am looking for a network storage system where ALL my files will reside (for my desktop and two laptops), and I will be primarily accessing/moving files wirelessly through my Netgear WRDN3700 router.

I an thinking about the Synology 210+, but am struggling as to whether this is the most bang for the buck since my Netgear wireless router will likley be my bottleneck. Aslo, it has 512 NB of memory, but its DDR533. Why would they use such low speed memory in a new NAS device...memory is dirt cheap these days.

I only need approx. 1TB of storage, and may want to configure the NAS so it a mirrored RAID array (two 1 TB disks).

Also, it been a long time since I purchased hard drives. Which hard drives offer the most bang for the buck in terms of performance when paierd with a 210+ system like this. WD green, black, heard there are some issues with WD drives in RAID's so I need the RE versions??????????????

Thanks for any help!
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The DS210+ is rated to do around 50-60MB/s write and 100-110MB/s read via Samba/FTP under ideal circumstances. That's more than enough to keep up with what the WNDR3700 is capable of doing.

I recommend Hitachi or Samsung drives for NAS use.
The hard drives won't do much differences in a NAS. But my personal favorite would be the Samsung F3.

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