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RT-AC86u vs RT-AC5300

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Hi folks,
Just wondering if anyone would be so kind to help me here. I currently have an AC86u (gaming router) in an apartment where I have couple of wired clients (TV, HUE hub, Synology NAS, gaming computer) and loads of wireless clients (macbooks, iPhones, Apple TV, etc). I don't use any VPN, but have Asus' adaptive QOS enabled. Router is situated in the living room, running latest merlin build.

Now my issue is that in our bedroom (a wall and a half, about 6 meters away from the router) I am struggling with a weak signal which basically makes my MacBook pro 2016 struggle streaming 10-12gb files Via vlc from my ethernet connected NAS. I experience buffering and chopping picture/sound. So, I was thinking to get an alternative router and someone offered me a two year old RT-AC5300 for about 130 dollars.

I am a still in the period where I can send back the 86u, but the question is: is it worth exchanging it for the 5300?
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Hi folks,
Just wondering if anyone would be so kind to help me here. I currently have an AC86u (gaming router) in an apartment where I have couple of wired clients (TV, HUE hub, Synology NAS, gaming computer) and loads of wireless clients (macbooks, iPhones, Apple TV, etc). I don't use any VPN, but have Asus' adaptive QOS enabled. Router is situated in the living room, running latest merlin build.

Now my issue is that in our bedroom (a wall and a half, about 6 meters away from the router) I am struggling with a weak signal which basically makes my MacBook pro 2016 struggle streaming 10-12gb files Via vlc from my ethernet connected NAS. I experience buffering and chopping picture/sound. So, I was thinking to get an alternative router and someone offered me a two year old RT-AC5300 for about 130 dollars.

I am a still in the period where I can send back the 86u, but the question is: is it worth exchanging it for the 5300?

I don't think so, assuming the 86U is a healthy router. Does the troubled wireless client provide connection status information on its connection link rate (ideally a 5 GHz ac connection)? Are there other WiFi signals around causing connection interference?

Can you borrow the 5300 to quickly prove if it will or will not resolve your trouble?

The Macbook is connected via 5ghz wifi and will give a much better rate if I move the computer to the living room (about double testing with a Javascript file transferring tool from nas to macbook). There are many other devices connected to the same 5ghz network in my house if that's what you meant? If we both are on our iPhones while streaming on the Macbook sometimes vlc will be affected and stutter a bit, so it seems it will interfere with the stream.

I cannot borrow I'm afraid :/
I could keep both to Aimesh them if that makes sense, but what I don't wanna do is buy the Ac5300 to discover it is not better as a single unit than 86U..
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Now my issue is that in our bedroom (a wall and a half, about 6 meters away from the router)

My bedroom is actually >10m away from my RT-AC86U and through 2 walls it is still pushing >200Mbps throughput, 526-585Mbps link rates. Check your WiFi channels and settings, something doesn't sound right. All 3 antennae orientation must be straight up for better connection in a straight line router level, as in an apartment. Don't follow the general 45-90-45 rule in this specific case.
Any tip on as to what channels to use?

I personally get better results on lower channels 36-40-44-48. Set 80MHz bandwidth, not Auto 20/40/80, MU-MIMO and Beamforming (both versions) Disabled, Smart Connect Disabled (separate SSIDs for 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands), Roaming Assistant and Airframe Fairness Disabled.

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