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RT-N66U Making Noise

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I just got my RT-N66U today. I can hear sounds coming from it if I put my ear close to the router. It sound like an on/off frying noise. Is this normal? Is this happening to anyone else?
I just got my RT-N66U today. I can hear sounds coming from it if I put my ear close to the router. It sound like an on/off frying noise. Is this normal? Is this happening to anyone else?
I don't think so, mine has never made any noises. I suggest RMAing it before it causes problems. I definitely wouldn't hook anything to it.
Yeah ive got it to, spoke to someone else that had it to.
To me it sounds like coil-whining like a very high pitch tone, i havent got any problems tought.
Some times i hear it and sometimes i dont ive opened up the housing of the router but i cant locate where the sqeeuz is coming from.
I dont actually think this is harmfull for the router, and i also think that the sound is at a frequency so high most people just cant hear it
Yeah ive got it to, spoke to someone else that had it to.
To me it sounds like coil-whining like a very high pitch tone, i havent got any problems tought.
I dont actually think this is harmfull for the router, and i also think that the sound is at a frequency so high most people just cant hear it

That explains why my dog has been looking so annoyed lately *smile*.
Yeah ive got it to, spoke to someone else that had it to.
To me it sounds like coil-whining like a very high pitch tone, i havent got any problems tought.
Some times i hear it and sometimes i dont ive opened up the housing of the router but i cant locate where the sqeeuz is coming from.
I dont actually think this is harmfull for the router, and i also think that the sound is at a frequency so high most people just cant hear it
My hearing is definitely compromised from attending obnoxiously-loud concerts as a teenager. I don't hear anything but my daughter hears everything and she has never complained about our RT-N66U making any noise whatsoever.
That kind of issue is fairly common these days, with electronic devices becoming cheaper all the time. Companies using lower quality components to reduce their costs.

This is usually more common with cheap Chinese devices/power supplies than Asus devices however.
Not sure if I should exchange the router or not. This is my 2nd unit. the LAN ports didn't work on the first one. If they all make this noise, then there's no reason for me to exchange for another one.
My hearing is definitely compromised from attending obnoxiously-loud concerts as a teenager. I don't hear anything but my daughter hears everything and she has never complained about our RT-N66U making any noise whatsoever.

But when i sit at my desktop i am right next to the router and i can hear it, so to confirm that the unit is making a little high pitch tone i thought lets call in some others.
I asked my girlfriend to listen if it was squeezing or whining but she did NOT hear it.
When i told her to put her ear next to she heard it also but the she cant place the sound very strange
Didn't realize it was so common or I wouldn't have posted what I did. But even so, since I first read this post I have made doubly sure that mine is sound free. No random noises here.
I guess it is caused that the inductor or capacitor meterial is defective.
If you have doubts, you can send back to repair.
I guess it is caused that the inductor or capacitor meterial is defective.
If you have doubts, you can send back to repair.

That's what I am trying to figure out. Is mine defective, or are all of them the built with the same inexpensive components? I found that the noise gets louder with activity on 2.4 band. If you stream Netflix or do Skype on 2.4 and then put your ear next to the router, you can really hear the noise.

Can anyone else provide some feedback and let me know if your router is also making noise. Also, those of you with AC version, can you hear the noise?
If you stream Netflix or do Skype on 2.4 and then put your ear next to the router, you can really hear the noise.

You have nothing better to do than stick your ear up against a router?

If the router is working properly then there is nothing wrong.

If you turn off all the fans in your PC and stick your ear next to it you would most likely here the same noises at times depending on the load you are placing on the components.

Have someone twist your arm real hard and see what noises you make. :)
You have nothing better to do than stick your ear up against a router?

If the router is working properly then there is nothing wrong.

If you turn off all the fans in your PC and stick your ear next to it you would most likely here the same noises at times depending on the load you are placing on the components.

Have someone twist your arm real hard and see what noises you make. :)

No, I can hear the noise across the room since I have good hearing. I want others to try the same and provide some feedback so that's why I said to put your ear next to the router. This is a $200 router with no moving parts and shouldn't be making any noise. How can I be sure it's working properly if it makes noise? This I my second router as the LAN ports didn't work at all on the first one. Folks like you shouldn't be posting if you have nothing of value to add.

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