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SHA 256 Verification failure?

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Senior Member
While trying to check my download signatures in both CMD or Powershell in Win 11, I'm getting a failure that I can't pinpoint. Here is the command used and the returned result. Note that they are the same in both, and fail when used on the trx file itself or the zip file.

PS C:\Users\howar> certutil -hashfile C:\Users\howar\Downloads\Computer Items\Router Info\ASUS RT-AC5300\RT-AC5300_386.11_0.zip sha256
Expected no more than 2 args, received 5
CertUtil: Too many arguments

CertUtil [Options] -hashfile InFile [HashAlgorithm]
Generate and display cryptographic hash over a file

-Unicode -- Write redirected output in Unicode
-gmt -- Display times as GMT
-seconds -- Display times with seconds and milliseconds
-v -- Verbose operation
-privatekey -- Display password and private key data
-pin PIN -- Smart Card PIN
22 -- Local System
23 -- Local Service
24 -- Network Service

Hash algorithms: MD2 MD4 MD5 SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512

CertUtil -? -- Display a verb list (command list)
CertUtil -hashfile -? -- Display help text for the "hashfile" verb
CertUtil -v -? -- Display all help text for all verbs

PS C:\Users\howar>

CMD Prompt-
C:\Windows\System32>certutil -hashfile C:\Users\howar\Downloads\Computer Items\Router Info\ASUS RT-AC5300\RT-AC5300_386.11_0.zip SHA256
Expected no more than 2 args, received 5
CertUtil: Too many arguments

CertUtil [Options] -hashfile InFile [HashAlgorithm]
Generate and display cryptographic hash over a file

-Unicode -- Write redirected output in Unicode
-gmt -- Display times as GMT
-seconds -- Display times with seconds and milliseconds
-v -- Verbose operation
-privatekey -- Display password and private key data
-pin PIN -- Smart Card PIN
22 -- Local System
23 -- Local Service
24 -- Network Service

Hash algorithms: MD2 MD4 MD5 SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512

CertUtil -? -- Display a verb list (command list)
CertUtil -hashfile -? -- Display help text for the "hashfile" verb
CertUtil -v -? -- Display all help text for all verbs

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
I believe certutil verifies certificates. I don't think it calculates checksums.
Anyone know how to verify the chksums and file integrity??
Anyone know how to verify the chksums and file integrity??
On my Mac:

cd /xxx/xxx/Downloads/GT-AX6000_388/

echo "59a7377f3b3a7d61b74ea9a6d12d0c4793020da8fe3c8c74aec174731e3f28cd  RT-AC68U_386.11_0.trx" | shasum -a 256 --check
I stand corrected...

D:\>certutil -hashfile testfile.dat SHA256
SHA256 hash of testfile.dat:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.

I think your problem was the spaces in the filename. You probably need to quote it.
D:\>certutil -hashfile "test file.dat" SHA256
SHA256 hash of test file.dat:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.
I stand corrected...

D:\>certutil -hashfile testfile.dat SHA256
SHA256 hash of testfile.dat:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.

I think your problem was the spaces in the filename. You probably need to quote it.
D:\>certutil -hashfile "test file.dat" SHA256
SHA256 hash of test file.dat:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.
So, this worked to get the cksum. However, the SHA's don't match for the .zip file and the result?? Here is what I saw:

C:\Users\h*****\Router Info\ASUS RT-AC5300>certutil -hashfile RT-AC5300_386.11_0.zip SHA256
SHA256 hash of RT-AC5300_386.11_0.zip:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.

Here is the signature from the download page:
and here is the download address for the zip: https://sourceforge.net/projects/asuswrt-merlin/files/RT-AC5300/Release/
I've tried downloading multiple times, but the SHA returns the same result with the discrepancy??

The SHA256 hash from the download page is for the .trx file. You are applying it to the whole compressed folder (.zip file)
The SHA256 hash from the download page is for the .trx file. You are applying it to the whole compressed folder (.zip file)
Thank you, sir! It all checks now...

SHA256 hash of RT-AC5300_386.11_0.trx:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.

The KEY TO THE WHOLE MESS is to use the cd command to select the directory where the file is stored. Then, just use
certutil -hashfile RT-AC5300_386.11_0.trx SHA256

You can also use native Powershell command:
Get-FileHash .\RT-AC5300_386.11_0.trx | Format-List

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