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Thecus is looking for your NAS wishlist

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Mr. Easy
Staff member
Thecus is in the process of thinking about future NASes and asked me for my suggestions. They agreed to let me post the question so that you all can comment.

So what would you like to see in Thecus NASes?
My $0.02 for a personal (RAID-1) NAS:

With the D-Link DNS-321 on the market for ~$130 and offering 99% of the features that the big boys bring to the table, any new offering should focus on being price-competitive! Especially considering that rolling your own with Atom-based hardware yields phenomenal performance at a (just) slightly higher price, these guys really have to come to terms with the fact that the days of gouging customers to the tune of $300 for a diskless unit are OVER.

I understand that you pay a premium for better support -- I'd pay a little extra (but no more than $200) for a company that promises to support the hardware with reasonably frequent firmware updates.

In brief: ideal NAS would have DNS-321 features and price, with more robust support.
- put more RAM inside, 2GB would be great

- somewhat more powerful CPU, may be Geode

- Gigabit port, real speeds 50 MB/sec. Otherwise SATA connection is needed to copy large data to/from a PC

- usb print server

- pre-installed or easy install of additional applications, like bittorrent, web server, php, mysql

- I do not care about RAID. I want the features above in a single-disk unit on price less than 100 euro w/o disk

- an interesting feature would be a TV-out, i.e. to be able to play movies directly off the NAS. Now I see this is a bit of mixing different product lines, but why not?
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana
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I would like Thecus to have comparable pricing in other countries like here in Singapore.
MSRPs in North America are significantly lower even after conversion & do not make Thecus NASes value-for-money products in Singapore as they are in NA especially when compared to their competitors.
Example: N4100pro MSRP = US$435 = approx. SGD$655. Actual retail price in Singapore = SGD$900 = MSRP US$600.
The difference is about US$150 so where is the value for money here??
use the nas with two interfaces also as a firewall/router (professional filtering then)!!!!
and most futere things they putted already in the 7700.
Perhaps use less energy
homemade vaporizers
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I would like to see an integrated solution to back up files to one or more online storage services (Mozy, Carbonite, etc.). This would enhance its capability as a business-class NAS. Should also add easy remote, web-based access similar to available with Buffalo NASes or the Maxtor Central Axis.
WLAN added.
USB/esata/firewire to connect straigt to a pc
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The most important thing to me is stability. Companies like QNap do a great job of increasing the featureset, but from looking at forums, they don't always seem well tested. Synology seem to me to have fewer problems, but are considerably more expensive.
My data is extremely valuable to me, so I'd prefer a slower pace of release if it would lead to fewer problems.

I'd like decent RAID migration speeds

I'd like to be able to upgrade the Apache web server to allow for things such as SVN web server.

Upgradability would also be great - memory and/or even CPU (tho this is less realistic for obvious reasons)


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