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VPN problem since updating to 380.68_4

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Senior Member
AC-5300 Been using 380.68 just fine before upgrading, i also did a factory reset, same results, all was working fine before the update:

Oct 21 14:52:11 openvpn[7682]: Restart pause, 5 second(s)
Oct 21 14:52:16 openvpn[7682]: NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts
Oct 21 14:52:16 openvpn[7682]: TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]
Oct 21 14:52:16 openvpn[7682]: Socket Buffers: R=[122880->122880] S=[122880->122880]
Oct 21 14:52:16 openvpn[7682]: UDP link local: (not bound)
Oct 21 14:52:16 openvpn[7682]: UDP link remote: [AF_INET]
Oct 21 14:52:16 openvpn[7682]: TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=2bfa2bf6 a7239e99
Oct 21 14:52:46 openvpn[7682]: TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 30 seconds (check your network connectivity)
Oct 21 14:52:46 openvpn[7682]: TLS Error: TLS handshake failed
Last edited:
This is OpenVPN server? Initial thoughts: I'd be tempted to temporarily change the vpn server setting to username and password only, ie no certs and keys, to see/prove the problem is with the public key infrastructure (PKI), and then, if it does work on that setting, set it back to how it was before (PKI and username/password?) and then re-export a new .ovpn config file to the client device, after first looking inside that .ovpn file (no editing/saving) to check that all the keys and certs have been properly included.

And if that failed, I'd start again using the default VPN button recently introduced by Merlin.
Yes, its VPN client using strongvpn, i tried to change to username and password only, same result.
I also ensured the same settings are working via the windows app, and i can connect fine with it, just not through the router.
In that case, ignore me: I know nothing about OpenVPN Client (and not much more about OpenVPN Server!)

I don't understand what you mean when you say you "can connect fine with it, just not through the router". Could you expand a bit on that in case it offers a clue to members who are familiar with your setup? (It probably makes sense to those familiar with VPN Client.)
In that case, ignore me: I know nothing about OpenVPN Client (and not much more about OpenVPN Server!)

I don't understand what you mean when you say you "can connect fine with it, just not through the router". Could you expand a bit on that in case it offers a clue to members who are familiar with your setup. ( It probably makes sense to those familiar with VPN Client.)

I meant that i used the same settings i used on the router but on the windows app, strongvpn have a windows vpn app, to ensure the settings im using are correct and they work fine, something happened since updating to 380.68_4 concerning TLS

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What about using the Default button at the bottom of the OpenVPN Client page to completely wipe clean all the settings and then import a new .ovpn file, thereby starting afresh? (Again, perhaps looking inside (a copy of) the .ovpn import file just the check that everything appears as it should be.)
martinr, I've liked using the default reset button during the past week while I've been testing openvpn configs on my SC56 and ACV3200. It's done the job and beats rebooting, resetting, reloading/restoring the settings and openvpn configs from scratch. I've done it manually and automatically several times. The stalling GUI (differnt thread) and openvon configs issues are new; I've never had prior issues going back 4 years prior to 380.68_4 with GUI, openvpn configs or settings.
Yes, the default button is a giant leap for mankind.

So are you making any progress with the stalling GUI and your VPN Client? Is there another VPN service you could try other than strongVPN as part of your troubleshooting?
Same Here. My log is putting thousands of these entries:
Oct 22 17:43:53 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:43:59 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:44:05 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:44:11 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:44:17 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:44:23 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:44:29 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:44:35 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:44:42 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:44:48 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:44:54 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:45:00 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:45:06 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:45:13 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:45:19 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:45:25 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:45:31 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:45:37 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]
Oct 22 17:45:43 openvpn[1316]: Connection reset, restarting [0]

Not sure what's going on. Thoughts?
Martinr, no sir, no luck. I used two clients, from 2 providers, I've never tried Strong. The GUI stalls/freezing begins suddenly, within 1/2 hour, or waits as long as 4 hours. Makes it impossible to get much done. It's sitting at 43C, so it's not hot. The type of config make no difference regardless of area/locale or the port, type of connections is involved, public/shared/switching. I get better results with relaxed DNS, policy rules, and it never fails to drop if the tunnel falters, which hardly ever happens. The AC3200 surprised me, wouldn't connect this morning to do a time lookup, a first. Moving to the AC56 this week before rolling the 3200 back. The AC56 never exibited any GUI or config issues, but is running a build from this past summer, a good reference point before I try build _4 on it. If it has no issues after a few days, that would point to the 3200 having a fault.

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