I currently have FTTP connected with Sky and am using the SKY HUB provided.
Im finding the stabiulity and range of wifi at times terrible and looking at getting another router and access points.
My Set up is a BT Openreach ONT box connected to the SKY hub. I currently use the Sky hub to connect my phone which i need and use the Sky wifi to connect my sky Q boxes and Minis (i'm hoping to in time connect these boxes by powerlin and cable so wont require to have the wifi on)
The advise im after is could i purchase a Asus router and connect this via ethernet to the sky hub and then use the Asus router for the wifi. I would then run a switch from this router and connect up various in Wall access points and a ceiling access point downstairs where im having the issues with the wifi signal. (im looking at utilising the TP link Access points and possible AMADA system
Having very limited network knowledge is this possible and what would i need to do to set up the Asus router and Sky HUB to run like this.
Many thanks
I currently have FTTP connected with Sky and am using the SKY HUB provided.
Im finding the stabiulity and range of wifi at times terrible and looking at getting another router and access points.
My Set up is a BT Openreach ONT box connected to the SKY hub. I currently use the Sky hub to connect my phone which i need and use the Sky wifi to connect my sky Q boxes and Minis (i'm hoping to in time connect these boxes by powerlin and cable so wont require to have the wifi on)
The advise im after is could i purchase a Asus router and connect this via ethernet to the sky hub and then use the Asus router for the wifi. I would then run a switch from this router and connect up various in Wall access points and a ceiling access point downstairs where im having the issues with the wifi signal. (im looking at utilising the TP link Access points and possible AMADA system
Having very limited network knowledge is this possible and what would i need to do to set up the Asus router and Sky HUB to run like this.
Many thanks