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[AC68R] setting DNS question

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Senior Member
I have a quick question about setting up DNS.
I currently have 10 devices, and I want to know if it is possible to setup the router which can assign different DNS to each device?
for example, I want to assign one specific DNS to 4 devices, while the rest devices use the default DNS. I understand that I can manually assign DNS on each device, but I would love to know if it is possible to set it up on the AC68R directly?
Not with the stock firmware, you will need to go with a custom firmware to do that.

There are many ways to do so. You could configure dnsmasq to hand out a different DNS based on the device's MAC, for example. If you search on the forum I think this has been discussed in the recent weeks.

One other method would be to configure your router to force all DNS queries from a specific IP to go to a specific DNS server - that way even if the user were to manually change the DNS on its client (for example, if you want to enforce OpenDNS on a kid's PC), he would still be forced through the specified DNS.

The following iptable rule will force all DNS queries from to be redirected to OpenDNS's DNS server:

iptables -I PREROUTING -t nat -p udp -s --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination

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