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ASUS GPL violation

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Occasional Visitor
Comrade @AndreiV ,

Rule of law and citizens’ privacy are important to free world people unless you live in other side of world.

You can silence me. I don’t care.
Comrade @AndreiV ,

Rule of law and citizens’ privacy are important to free world people unless you live in other side of world.

You can silence me. I don’t care.

You raise good points... they and related others will likely apply to all sides of the World as it spins forward. I think the natural tendency is toward complacency and lagging behind. It can only help to raise awareness as you are doing. Big Tech and the data industrial complex is yet to have its day in the more enlightened courts of our judgement.

You can silence me. I don’t care.
Can you silence yourself or at least keep to ONE rant thread? PLEASE! This is NOT an official ASUS forum, this IS a community of interested members. I know you are passionate about this issue, but please actually read the replies you are getting in particular the ones from @RMerlin as he know the issues very well.
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base64.c comes from Tomato firmware. Its backend is under GPL. See wiki here.

The Makefile shows you that base64 link to ASUS prebuild folder binary blobs.

Any code link to GPL source code must be GPL.
To the OP:

FFS give it a rest already.

Only YOU are bothered about this.

Ether agree to the T&C’s or don’t. It’s up to you.

Go find another drum to bang. Somewhere else.
To the OP:

FFS give it a rest already.

Only YOU are bothered about this.

Ether agree to the T&C’s or don’t. It’s up to you.

Go find another drum to bang. Somewhere else.

Why so unfriendly?

Perhaps I was a bit harsh, but he has made several posts in different forums basically saying the same thing. People have tried to reason with him but he is very insistent.
Perhaps I was a bit harsh, but he has made several posts in different forums basically saying the same thing. People have tried to reason with him but he is very insistent.

Why not just let him say his piece... it seems considered and sincere to me. We're all free to find whatever value in it we choose. His next subject could be much more interesting and relevant to you.

Guys, just ignore this thread by stopping to respond to these speculations. Obviously this person does not want to understand. This begins to look like trolling and its annoying
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