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Asuswrt-Merlin is out

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Just a heads up - my jffs partition got wiped after the upgrade. I have a backup that I will put on now but that was unexpected.

And it gets better - now the jffs partition is readonly:

admin@RT-N66U:/jffs# pwd
admin@RT-N66U:/jffs# mkdir configs
mkdir: can't create directory 'configs': Read-only file system
All fixed after restore from backup. I selected the Format jffs on next reboot option in the GUI and then restored. All good.

Look at Merlin's 1st post of this thread. He warned us all about the JFFS partition during firmware flash:

NOTE: If you haven't seen the warning in the README and on the Firmware Upgrade page yet: don't forget that your JFFS partition is NEVER guaranteed to survive a firmware flash! This new release is a bit larger than previous firmwares due to the OpenVPN optimizations, so that increases the chances of your JFFS content getting overwritten. So make sure you always keep a backup of your JFFS partition!
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Look at Merlin's 1st post of this thread. He warned us all about the JFFS partition during formware flash:

NOTE: If you haven't seen the warning in the README and on the Firmware Upgrade page yet: don't forget that your JFFS partition is NEVER guaranteed to survive a firmware flash! This new release is a bit larger than previous firmwares due to the OpenVPN optimizations, so that increases the chances of your JFFS content getting overwritten. So make sure you always keep a backup of your JFFS partition!

So he does - stupid me. I didnt read past the feature list. Oh well.
I know this is off topic related to ur release Merlin, but after using the .345 beta release from asus for a day. I can say at least the 2.4ghz band on my N66U is stronger, with the latest wireless drivers being used in the .345 release. Reason i say this is, because i have a extender connected to my N66U using 2.4ghz Band from 30 feet away. It is keeping a steady green bar which means very good connection. Which using ur latest release, using same 2.4ghz wireless settings. My extender likes to jump between green/orange, meaning from very good connection rate, to ok connection rate.

I also have a extender connected to the N66U using 5ghz band, and a xbox connected to it. So i will see how its handling over next day or two, and update how its working. But so far the 2.4ghz band is better for me on the .345 beta release.

Which extenders are you using? Do you recommend them?
Hi all,

my worst nightmares with this router ended with this beta firmware .345, which I have found on the other user post in this forum. Actually he had problems with xbox, for me that was erratic wireless performance with my samsung ES8000 TV - both in 2.4 and 5 Ghz spectrum. I also own Dlink DIR-655, TPlink WR1043ND and Apple Airport Extreme - none of these would ever drop a connection with my TV, even Apple on 5 Ghz.

I like Merlin's firmware alot, but right after flashing latest 270.25b, my TV dropped connection in 5 minutes. Went back to .345 Asus beta - it's all right since then. So my guess, after Asus release next firmware update, which incorporates wireless drivers used in .345 beta, and after Merlin reuses it for his own build, all problems (for me at least) will be gone. If next Asus release will force other wireless errors, I'll be going back to .345 beta firmware, which works fine for me (though I'm not using that 'optimize for xbox' setting, so can't comment how it's working).

Now it's only a lack of Merlin's added features in this beta firmware.

Well i have 3 xbox's that can be in use at a time, so i have the xbox fix enabled on both bands. Haven't heard a complaint yet, and as i already posted yesterday the 2.4ghz band is more stable for me on my N66U.
NFS mount

I'm having problem with mounting a NFS exported destination from RT-N66U. I'm using Fedora 18.

Thanks to new Merlin release .270.25 I can use "NFS Exports" menu to define a path to a shared NFS directory on my external HDD connected to router.

The defined destinations looks fine, as I could see them under:

admin@RT-N66U:/tmp/mnt/My_Book# cat /etc/exports
/mnt/My_Book/Download2 *(no_root_squash,rw)

But now when I'm trying to mount them from Fedora, I've got error:

# mount -t nfs /home/max/AsusRouter -v
mount.nfs: timeout set for Wed Mar 6 20:46:57 2013
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 'vers=4,addr=,clientaddr='
mount.nfs: mount(2): Protocol not supported
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 'addr='
mount.nfs: prog 100003, trying vers=3, prot=6
mount.nfs: trying prog 100003 vers 3 prot TCP port 2049
mount.nfs: prog 100005, trying vers=3, prot=17
mount.nfs: trying prog 100005 vers 3 prot UDP port 47027
mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting

Nevertheless the destination seems discoverable:

# showmount -e
Export list for
/tmp/mnt/My_Book/Download2 *


# rpcinfo -p
program vers proto port service
100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper
100024 1 udp 40089 status
100024 1 tcp 38814 status
100003 3 udp 2049 nfs
100021 1 udp 55622 nlockmgr
100021 3 udp 55622 nlockmgr
100021 4 udp 55622 nlockmgr
100003 3 tcp 2049 nfs
100021 1 tcp 60465 nlockmgr
100021 3 tcp 60465 nlockmgr
100021 4 tcp 60465 nlockmgr
100005 1 udp 47027 mountd
100005 1 tcp 46398 mountd
100005 3 udp 47027 mountd
100005 3 tcp 46398 mountd

Did anybody hit this situation? Any ideeas why " Permission denied" is reported? I've tried to use only NFS ver 3, but it's the same...

Thanks in advance for any hint.
I'm having problem with mounting a NFS exported destination from RT-N66U. I'm using Fedora 18.

Check /tmp/syslog.log on the router to see if you have more info as to the reason for the failure.

Note that out of the box, Asuswrt-Merlin only supports NFSv3. You can enable V2 support from the NFS Export page if for some reason you need it, but I wouldn't recommend it - V2 doesn't support large files.

I did my tests using my HTPC running Ubuntu.

Check /tmp/syslog.log on the router to see if you have more info as to the reason for the failure.

Note that out of the box, Asuswrt-Merlin only supports NFSv3. You can enable V2 support from the NFS Export page if for some reason you need it, but I wouldn't recommend it - V2 doesn't support large files.

I did my tests using my HTPC running Ubuntu.

Many thanks for your fast feedback.
I think I found the cause. I replaced my external HDD (formated as NTFS) with an USB stick formatted as EXT3. Working perfectly now.

So, do I guess correctly that NTFS cannot work over NFS ?
Many thanks for your fast feedback.
I think I found the cause. I replaced my external HDD (formated as NTFS) with an USB stick formatted as EXT3. Working perfectly now.

So, do I guess correctly that NTFS cannot work over NFS ?

That's correct.
Thanks for all the great work Merlin. I'd have returned this router without your fixes.
Any chance of you adding the IPV6 firewall stuff from tomato?
Yeah I understand, and I don't want them to rush one out myself. But it would be nice to see one come out by the end of this month, beginning of april at the latest. I plan to run this .345 for a few days myself. Seeing As asus has put out two beta .3xx release's for the N66U, and the latest one being a .345 beta release. It seem's when they decide to release a final build, it may be a .35x/.36x build for the N66U. I know I probably come off as a PITA sometimes Merlin, but I do appreciate the work you do based off the asus build's.

Mind me asking where to get beta .345 release?
If it seems like I'm being contrary, I don't really mean to be. . . :eek:

I've been using this router (rt-AC66u) for 4 or 5 months. I believe that the first version of the firmware that I loaded was 304.260 and then I began using the Asuswrt-Merlin releases.

I've read about folks having issues with speed loss on the 5ghz wireless channels but never experienced it myself until I loaded this ( one!

I had been running .24 and then decided to try out the .345 beta which seemed to have pretty good wireless speeds. However, I realized that I had lost WAN speed (down from 30 Mb/s to 7 Mb/s - I'm not really sure what happened, I may have screwed up a setting somewhere. . .) so I went ahead and ditched the beta to load .25b . . .

After about 12 hours, I realized my file transfer speeds had dropped down to about 1 MB/second on the 5ghz connection. I switched to the 2.4 connection and speeds were great (15 - 25 MB/second).

I've used both the Intel 5300 and 6300 and have never had this happen. I've since dropped back to .24 and everything is back to hunky-dory. I really hadn't changed much of anything else.

Please let me know if I should provide more/other info.
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DLNA Issues with B version

After the most recent update my DLNA doesnt seem to be working. I dont see any error messages in the logs on the router, but it doesnt come up on any of my DNLA devices. Worked fine before you made the B version modifications. As always great work and much appreciated!
Anyone experiencing an issue with the 5ghz losing network connectivity? I remain connected on wifi, but can't access the LAN or internet. A quick cycle of my laptop's wifi clears it right up, but it seems to be happening 3-4 times a day. Never experienced this on 24...
After the most recent update my DLNA doesnt seem to be working. I dont see any error messages in the logs on the router, but it doesnt come up on any of my DNLA devices. Worked fine before you made the B version modifications. As always great work and much appreciated!

DLNA works fine here. There's not a single change in 25b that could have broken it - there was only two changes in 25b versus 25:

- A firewall rule was added to allow outbound traffic for VPN
- The DHCP server now accepts the option that gets added if you disable DHCP logging

Neither of these are related in any way to DLNA, so it must be something with your setup/network. I suggest you try deleting your Minidlna database and rebuild it again in case it got corrupted.
Anyone experiencing an issue with the 5ghz losing network connectivity? I remain connected on wifi, but can't access the LAN or internet. A quick cycle of my laptop's wifi clears it right up, but it seems to be happening 3-4 times a day. Never experienced this on 24...

I mentioned this in my previous post but I've since started to wonder if there's not something going on with my (Intel) wireless driver. After reflashing the router to .24, I had another issue with low connectivity speeds - only at 5ghz. I've dropped my Intel wireless card driver all the way back to after trying both 15.3.1 and 15.6.

I've been doing a few other hardware upgrades to my laptop so I'm not 100% sure anymore if it was the router or a different hardware problem or a wifi driver issue. I haven't had any issue @ 5ghz for months and now I'm suddenly in all sorts of doo-doo! :eek:

I am viewing this log pressistently, what could it be?

ar 7 08:44:35 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth1
Mar 7 08:44:40 kernel: printk: 889 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:44:40 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth1
Mar 7 08:44:45 kernel: printk: 2689 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:44:45 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:44:50 kernel: printk: 2052 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:44:50 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:44:55 kernel: printk: 2316 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:44:55 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:45:00 kernel: printk: 1629 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:45:00 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:45:05 kernel: printk: 985 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:45:05 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:45:10 kernel: printk: 913 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:45:10 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:45:15 kernel: printk: 1501 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:45:15 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0

Sorry, resolved, I turned off VPN Boradcast, and the log messages stoped.


I am viewing this log pressistently, what could it be?

ar 7 08:44:35 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth1
Mar 7 08:44:40 kernel: printk: 889 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:44:40 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth1
Mar 7 08:44:45 kernel: printk: 2689 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:44:45 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:44:50 kernel: printk: 2052 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:44:50 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:44:55 kernel: printk: 2316 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:44:55 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:45:00 kernel: printk: 1629 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:45:00 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:45:05 kernel: printk: 985 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:45:05 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:45:10 kernel: printk: 913 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:45:10 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0
Mar 7 08:45:15 kernel: printk: 1501 messages suppressed.
Mar 7 08:45:15 kernel: protocol 0000 is buggy, dev eth0


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