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Asuswrt-Merlin is out

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Same issue as v33 where iPhone 3GS can't connect to the WiFi network. Tried setting as Open with no security and still couldn't connect.

It connects to v32 connects fine. WPA2-AES security.

I tried a Factory Reset with v34 and reset up my settings. Same on v33.

Only a revert back to v32 will let the phone connect.

What happened? I reported this on the v33 thread too.

Decided to try this on my AC56u...since the new stock firmware as issues...

I notice done thing....IPv6 is not working right....i run tests http://test-ipv6.com/

and it says no ipv6 address detected.....i rest the settings....no change...flash back to stock...that test than passes.....


Yes. Weird things are happening.

My g/f's iPhone 3GS can't connect via WiFi, but IPv6 is working fine.

My A66U router is on v34, but my A66U AP is on v32 which is what the iPhone 3GS will connect to.

I also did a complete Factory Restore on the iPhone to bring it back to stock condition. Connects fine to v32, but not to v33 or v34. What changed?


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Usb disk and printer were completely gone until i flashed this.

I uploaded an Experimental build for the RT-AC68U which was compiled with the USBRESET option disabled (unsure what it does exactly). See if it works better for you guys having USB issues with their AC68U.
Try changing the following option then reboot:

nvram set switch_stb_x=0
nvram commit

Let me know if it makes any difference.

Well, it did make a difference.
Before issuing it I had no WAN IP adress and hence no internet connectivity but working TV:

After issuing that, TV stopped working also...so result was no internet no TV.

Anyway, reverted back to 374.32 for now as this is my main router as all works on that build.
How to close or disable ports?:

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 399/lpd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 399/lpd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 319/ots

"killall lpd" and "killall ots" dont help.
AFAIK, ots is some part of one touch setup for wireless AP and lpd is a part of printing system.
How to close or disable ports?:

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 399/lpd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 399/lpd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 319/ots

"killall lpd" and "killall ots" dont help.
ots can't be disabled as long as it's running under watchdog. Even if killed, it will be respawned immediately.

lpd\u2ec service is always starting, even if no printer is used. You may shutdown it gracefully with:
service stop_u2ec
service stop_lpd
commands. Also, you'll save ~1,3MB RAM by this way:
# pmap -d `pidof u2ec` | grep mapped
mapped: 2096K    writeable/private: 1108K    shared: 64K
mapped: 2096K    writeable/private: 1108K    shared: 64K
mapped: 2096K    writeable/private: 1108K    shared: 64K
# pmap -d `pidof lpd` | grep mapped
mapped: 1160K    writeable/private: 220K    shared: 64K
Web Interface Issue

Since installing the .34 release I have had no issues in relation to wireless / WAN performance (at least) I haven't noticed anything as yet :)

One issue I found this morning was that I was unable to log into the web interface however I know my password had not changed as I was able to SSH into the router, after restarting https at the command line I once once again able to log in. Looking at syslog.log I'm seeing the following which wasn't occurring prior to installing this release;

Oct 31 13:15:11 HTTP login: Detect abnormal logins at 15 times. The newest one was from x.x.x.x
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I have been having login problems with both AC 66u and 68U on beta .34 and .33
I reboot to get access again as it doesn't let up. I think Asus has changed something. Since it's happening on both models and it's not happening on Ac68 u with Asuwrt .306
Any chance WAN MAC address spoofing is broken in this version? I used to (in versions .27 to .32 at least and probably in .33) be able to force a public IP change by changing the MAC address under WAN settings, but today I've tried three different MACs and I always get the same IP.

Of course my ISP may also have changed something to prevent this trick from working.

Using .34 on AC66U.

EDIT: Think it may have been "Dual WAN" related. Before trying the above I had switched back from Dual WAN to Single WAN because I had several WAN dropouts and didn't know if my new Dual WAN config was causing it.

I just tried to re-enable Dual WAN and was surprised to see the old spoofed MAC address still there under the WAN interface, and not the more recent ones I had tried with a single WAN config. I think somehow the dual WAN spoofed MAC was still being used after switching back to single WAN (and rebooting several times), because when I changed it now with Dual WAN enabled I did get a new IP.

I have several other issues with Dual WAN. I know this is an ASUS feature and not a Merlin feature, so I don't know if I should mention them here or somewhere else?
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I uploaded an Experimental build for the RT-AC68U which was compiled with the USBRESET option disabled (unsure what it does exactly). See if it works better for you guys having USB issues with their AC68U.

My usb2.0 hd now works,thank you
My usb2.0 hd now works,thank you

I tried the Experimental as well. I also added the Turbo button setting to nvram as Merlin explained.

Very good news. Both USB drives came up and mounted fine. I did the power cycle after the firmware update. Both drives came on-line. Then, pressed the Turbo button - router did a reboot - again, both drives came on-line fine.
Also, bogomips increased from 1599 to 1998.

Looks good Merlin - many thanks.
Well, it did make a difference.
Before issuing it I had no WAN IP adress and hence no internet connectivity but working TV:

After issuing that, TV stopped working also...so result was no internet no TV.

Anyway, reverted back to 374.32 for now as this is my main router as all works on that build.

Asus must have changed something related to VLAN. Unfortunately I can't really look into it as I have no mean of testing it. Will have to wait for Asus to fix it on their end.
The RT-AC66U is currently using the N66U wireless driver from 374_720 (Asus hasn't released a GPL for the AC66U 374_979). I can always try reverting that driver back to the 374_130 version, not sure it won't create issues for OTHER people.

Wireless driver will always be a pain, as there's not a single version that works best for EVERYONE.
Asus must have changed something related to VLAN. Unfortunately I can't really look into it as I have no mean of testing it. Will have to wait for Asus to fix it on their end.

I totally understand you, as I am not a programmer I cannot fix it myself either...

At least you can give them a direct hint that something seems to be wrong with this functionality in last two releases... ;)
Yes. Weird things are happening.

My g/f's iPhone 3GS can't connect via WiFi, but IPv6 is working fine.

My A66U router is on v34, but my A66U AP is on v32 which is what the iPhone 3GS will connect to.

I also did a complete Factory Restore on the iPhone to bring it back to stock condition. Connects fine to v32, but not to v33 or v34. What changed?

i had to disable ipv6...but its weird...that test then says mostly pass when I disabled ipv6...saying it is using "Teredo"...when enabled...those tests fail...no ipv6 address detected etc....though windows does report ipv6 status as good and with internet access.

I also discovered that having ipv6 enabled...the USPS tracking website would give an error...and you could not track anything....without ipv6..it works fine....


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There's a bug in the Javascript code preventing the Apply button from doing anything. For now you can manually set the LED button to Overclock mode:

nvram set btn_led_mode=1
nvram commit

To revert it back to LED control, set it to 0.

Once that setting is set, you will be able to toggle Turbo mode with the LED button (remember - toggling it will cause the router to reboot to apply the clock changes!)

After setting btn_led_mode to 1, nothing seems to change when the router restarts after toggling the switch. Still says 800MHz both ways and temps stay about the same.

On the lower end of the Tools > Sysinfo page, it says this:
HW acceleration	Disabled - incompatible with: IPTraffic, QoS
This doesn't seem normal. :)

Back on the temps though: do we know what temps are safe for the wireless and cpu? My wireless both hover around 52C and CPU around 80C; was curious to test if overclocking would influence those temps or not. Going to look into a solution to cool the router; if anyone has suggestions, I'd appreciate the input!
something is wrong with authorization, doesnt accept password both from wan or lan. after couple of minutes authorization works well, and after that still broke. different browsers (chrome,ie) cache cleared. on 373.33 works ok.

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