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For any one who upgraded to Windows 10, READ THIS!!!!

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Windows 7 has problems with persistent shares to this day. At least they narrowed down 7 variants to just 2. That's one of biggest pet peeves with Windows. Depending on what version you get, you don't have all the features. And when it comes shipped on a PC by default, you're kind of stuck unless you want to shell out even more money. Having to write scripts to connect to shares because one has Home Premium instead of Professional is BS. So is not being able to use UNC path for Windows Backup because you have the wrong license. Unify the OS and be done with it.
git commit L\&LD -m "Talks to machines"
git push

But seriously, I wouldn't mind getting in my living room, and telling my media center to start playing the latest episode of "XYZ" - much faster than fumbling with the remote (which is quite sluggish with the NAS's IR receiver).

You could have had that but Kinect is a miserable failure. :D
Windows 7 has problems with persistent shares to this day. At least they narrowed down 7 variants to just 2. That's one of biggest pet peeves with Windows. Depending on what version you get, you don't have all the features. And when it comes shipped on a PC by default, you're kind of stuck unless you want to shell out even more money. Having to write scripts to connect to shares because one has Home Premium instead of Professional is BS. So is not being able to use UNC path for Windows Backup because you have the wrong license. Unify the OS and be done with it.

I didn't think anyone used Windows Backup (vs. 3rd party )
At least they narrowed down 7 variants to just 2. That's one of biggest pet peeves with Windows. Depending on what version you get, you don't have all the features

Technically, there's more than 2 - Home/Pro/Enterprise - lot better than it was, and for example, they did upgrade Win8.1 w/Bing to Win 10 Home - 8.1 w/Bing, for example, didn't allow remote desktop...
It's a lot of work to de-crapify Win 10 home. Virtually all is MS promoting or hijacking you on the POS Edge browser (I use Firefox or Chrome), or on the start menu filled with now-disabled craplinks. Or jamming you to use Bing and hiding alternatives where the sun don't shine.
And pushing Skype and Windows Store on you.

Shows they're emulating Apple.
if MS products like windows store is basically a web browser than you can use the usual DNS hijacking and static DNS entry to point to the website you want. For example you can replace bing with google.
It's a lot of work to de-crapify Win 10 home. Virtually all is MS promoting or hijacking you on the POS Edge browser (I use Firefox or Chrome), or on the start menu filled with now-disabled craplinks. Or jamming you to use Bing and hiding alternatives where the sun don't shine.
And pushing Skype and Windows Store on you.

Shows they're emulating Apple.

Hadn't planned to comment, but your reply spoke to me.

Here's my challenge: Assume you're retired and all of your savings is all you have. You bank on-line out of necessity. Now, Windows 10 comes along and offers to let you give all your friends easy access to your network in a variety of ways: some described, some less obvious, and some eventual exploits that MS will fix someday but probably not advertise broadly because it might scare away new converts.

Sounds Great!! Where do I sign up? Also, thanks to all in advance for dismissing any concerns. MS knows what's best. I'm here to serve.

A freeware program caled DoNotSpy10 turns off a slew of features that MS provided to make our computing experience more fruitful. I, however, will not try it out soon because I'm just an old fuddy duddy who is still happy with Windows 7 and has managed to make peace with Windows 8 via Classic Shell.

Planning to play around with Linux, again. Going to put it on a lesser used laptop soon. Android use makes the transition an easier sell to the household. Hope it's better than the last time I tried it out. I just got a factory refurb Samsung Tab Pro 12 for a low price. Add a battery powered Bluetooth keyboard, a good case / stand and a mouse and ... voila ... my new favorite desktop / laptop replacement for 80% of what I do. Really snappy performance, too.

Whoa ... I just figured something out. I just built a router and put it in my basement. It only uses about 3% CPU when busy and 1GB storage. I plan to take a new course at a community college next Spring on virtual machines. They will teach Hyper-V and VMware. I have considered putting the router in a VMware VM but am unsure about what to do with the rest of the box's capacity. Now I know. Combining TeamViewer with a Win7 VM on the new box will give me access to the other 20% from any tablet. My Win7 mainframe. Who would have thought? It should make a good series of articles for my website next year. I suppose if that didn't work or was too complicated or I just got impatient, I could put an old laptop in the basement next to the router box, tell it to never go to sleep, and end up in the same place ... a shared Win7 or Win8 laptop / mainframe accessible from any tablet via TeamViewer that used minimal watts of electricity.

Edit: Even better. I forgot that TeamViewer supports wake-on-lan. My PCs have been hit or miss there but even better if it works.
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Whoa ... I just figured something out. I just built a router and put it in my basement. It only used about 3% CPU when busy and 1GB storage. I have planned to take a new course in a community college next Spring on virtual machines. They will teach Hyper-V and VMware. I had considered putting the router in a VMware VM but was unsure about what to do with the rest of the box's capacity. Now I know. Combining TeamViewer with a Win7 VM on the new box will give me access to the other 20% from any tablet. My Win7 mainframe. Who would have thought?

Home networks are still vulnerable to the pineapple hack despite the many years of tutorials available from cisco of defeating it and the amount of features that go into consumer routers these days.

Home networks are still vulnerable to the pineapple hack despite the many years of tutorials available from cisco of defeating it and the amount of features that go into consumer routers these days.

Well, so much for all the home networks now in in all the homes and all the gin joints across the world. We should just curl up and shut them down now. Pineapple is on the loose. (grin)
It's a lot of work to de-crapify Win 10 home. Virtually all is MS promoting or hijacking you on the POS Edge browser (I use Firefox or Chrome), or on the start menu filled with now-disabled craplinks. Or jamming you to use Bing and hiding alternatives where the sun don't shine.
And pushing Skype and Windows Store on you.

Shows they're emulating Apple.

Except that Windows 10 bears virtually no resemblance at all to OS X or iOS. Like none.
Even better. I forgot that TeamViewer supports wake-on-lan. My PCs have been hit or miss there but even better if it works.

TeamViewer - how can I up vote this a few times...

Absolutely essential tool for those who are tasked with being the Family Computer Support Guy...
TeamViewer - how can I up vote this a few times...

Absolutely essential tool for those who are tasked with being the Family Computer Support Guy...
Yes, I've used it for other-city helping family members. It's a good thing for that. For my own LAN, I use ultraVNC since there's no login PITA required. Rotuer does not open VNC ports, by intent.
I'm referring to iTunes and Apple's selective censoring and all that rot. And their obscenely overpriced products.

Being in both camps, MS still doesn't appear to be emulating Apple very much. Other than being a big fan of money.
I'm referring to iTunes and Apple's selective censoring and all that rot. And their obscenely overpriced products.

Considering my 2011 iMac, "obscenely overpriced" as it was, still performs as it did the day I bought it, despite 4 major OS releases, I'm fine with it. Not to mention the fact that those 4 major releases cost me absolutely nothing because once you buy OS X, they don't expect you to buy it again.
TeamViewer - how can I up vote this a few times...

Absolutely essential tool for those who are tasked with being the Family Computer Support Guy...

Especially when said family lives over 2 hours away! Teamviewer = lifesaver.
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