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HTTP password changing after firmware update

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Several times already, after a firmware update, I am no longer able to login the the web (https) interface. In all cases the issue is that the http_passwd has changed. The new value is always longer (contains more characters) than normal.

The workarond is simple - I login through ssh (with public key), set the http_passwd to cleartext value of the password, commit and reboot. And everything goes back to normal and of course the password at this time is encrypted (or may be hashed).

Details: RT-AX58U, upgrade from 386.2_6 to 386.3_2. But I have seen the same issue before.

Question: clearly, this does not happen on every reboot. something special happens after a firmware update and that something isn't right. Does this happen only to me? What can I do to avoid it?

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