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Learning SSH which Connective Tool?

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  1. Which SSH Connective Tool do you suggest to connect to a Asus Router from either Windows or a Linux PC?
  2. Is there any tutorials for your answer to question #1?
I have dabbled a little with OpenSSH on Windows 10 with OpenSSH unsuccessfully. Before jumping all in to learn I thought that it would be good ideal to start with the proper tool. Since I'm a newbie, I am not asking the question to create any huge debate. I'm just asking the question from an honest perspective of a newbie.

I've tried OpenSSH installed in Windows per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/w...ion/openssh/openssh_install_firstuse?tabs=gui and https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/How-To-Use-SSH-Client-and-Server-on-Windows-10-1470/.

From the Microsoft link I know GitHub has various OpenSSH beta version releases located at https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH not knowing which version would be the best to start with, or whether another software package would be better from a longer term perspective. From my experience the different versions operate with different parameters such as where the source files are kept which for a newbie can create more questions then one is trying to answer. From dabbling on Windows IIRC the client or server determines the direction of the connection. From my dabbling experience I thought that I'd ask the more experiences users the above questions would be helpful from a newbie perspective.


I also use PuTTY on Windows, but recent versions of Windows should have a built-in SSH client:

I also use PuTTY on Windows, but recent versions of Windows should have a built-in SSH client:

Recent Versions of Windows have OpenSSH client AND OpenSSH server availability per https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/How-To-Use-SSH-Client-and-Server-on-Windows-10-1470/ which I verified in my dabbling around. Both XIII and Tech Junky use Putty on Windows.

Why would you want to use Putty on Windows 10 PC and OpenSSH on Linux PC which Tech Junky suggested?

Not knowing it seems a little inconsistent unless all the OpenSSH commands in Windows 10 PC are equal to Putty commands in Windows 10 PC which are equal to OpenSSH commands in Linux PC.

Or did users just use Putty on Windows because it was available before OpenSSH was made available in recent versions of Windows 10?

I do appeciate your feedback, and just trying to effectively manage my learning curve. I would think the easiest path through the learning curve would be to use the same app which has cross platform portability. Just thinking out loud! Please feel free to correct me if I've erred.


I've used the windows shell version which unfortunately quit working for me recently which is why I went SmarTTY. Besides it's less bare-bones.
Just open a terminal window or switch to a straight-up terminal in GNU/Linux, enter the command "ssh user@(if different)router" and enter your creds.

Bam! Got your command line on the router.
Why would you want to use Putty on Windows 10 PC and OpenSSH on Linux PC which Tech Junky suggested?

Or did users just use Putty on Windows because it was available before OpenSSH was made available in recent versions of Windows 10?

Old habits die hard... ;)

(I prefer the built-in SSH in iTerm 2 on macOS anyway)
I have used Putty for about 20 years. It does all I need as a Windows client.

On my iPad and iPhone I use Shelly.
I use Xshell, because I find Putty (an its forks that add much-needed tab support) clunky to use in comparaison
I like SecureCRT but it isn't free (use it for work so probably just because I'm used to it). Putty works fine, as does the command line in Win10+ and Linux. Just depends how much extra features you want. SecureCRT has a lot of scripting, customizations, automated logins, etc, whereas command line is just barebones. I agree that putty gets clunky and inefficient if you need to use it a lot. Even something as simple as not remembering previous sessions unless you remember to save them is annoying.

That being said, if you really want to "learn" SSH you should be using command line just to get used to the syntax and common switches.
Being lazy, I mostly use the secure shell extension in chrome. If I'm likely to leave things unattended I can use its MOSH ability rather than SSH.
I use this primarily but wasn't going to bring it up since people don't want to pay. Great when all you do is CLI and save sessions all of the time from multiple devices.

Our terminal servers were upgraded recently and it required a new version of SecureCRT (terminal server license is expensive). My company wanted to do away with it, that was met with swift and definitive NOPE.

We still have a few real old school guys that prefer true unix (not even linux) but those servers are long past end of life and they're not going to replace them, so they're going to have to adapt. I guess if you get used to having multiple sessions and the shortcut keys to toggle between them and all the old scripts they have, it probably is really nice, but I find SecureCRT to have all the functionality I need.

When you're constantly doing stuff you can / will add more toolbars at the bottom and multiple buttons to script things out. Even editing the tollbars from the text file to make things more efficient is possible. I have a foot in both worlds though for the OS side of things and wish devs would just make their stuff work in both so I could just ditch windows completely. That's not going to happen anytime soon though.

The whole term server thing as a proxy gets annoying. People open sessions and then just let them hang and you have to go kill them manually to make room for others to login. I'm sure we could ramble on about this for days though.

When you're constantly doing stuff you can / will add more toolbars at the bottom and multiple buttons to script things out. Even editing the tollbars from the text file to make things more efficient is possible. I have a foot in both worlds though for the OS side of things and wish devs would just make their stuff work in both so I could just ditch windows completely. That's not going to happen anytime soon though.

The whole term server thing as a proxy gets annoying. People open sessions and then just let them hang and you have to go kill them manually to make room for others to login. I'm sure we could ramble on about this for days though.

We used to have to log into one unix jump box, then to another unix jump box, then into routers from there. So I'll take the terminal server route any day. Now that they've upgraded them they're a lot faster to log into too. Main complaint now is they're located in London (our headquarters) and a tad laggy but not that bad, Citrix has worked some magic to make it less noticeable in the last few years. If I try to go full screen with high resolution it is a problem so have just learned to keep it in a window.

I miss the days when I could just log directly in from my desktop.

I have seen the setup for the guys using the unix boxes with everything highly customized and it is really nice (especially once it all becomes motor memory to switch around) but with SecureCRT I have the most common devices I log into sorted and grouped by the device type, customer name, login script to put in my credentials and put me in enable mode, several scripts that can be run with a shortcut button, etc so that is more than enough for what I do.

Having been a server admin in a former life I close my sessions and log out at the end of the day, though our term servers will kill your sessions and force log you out at midnight anyway. But I've found if you let it do that sometimes you come back in and some of the preferences have changed etc. Sort of a mystery on that one. Whenever I get a white background with black text I yell out "oh what the f**k".

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