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OpenVPN without username/password on clients

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Occasional Visitor
I was wondering if it is possible to use openVPN without clients having to enter the password everytime, by a certificate or key. As I have not found any way to do this on the stock firmware of the RT-AC68U.

Is there any way to do this?

Not 100% as I'm running Merlin, but if you click on the VPN details drop down and select Advanced you might see username/password authentication option which you would set to no. You probably would need to export the VPN config again.
Thanks for the reply.

I have disabled Username/Password Auth Only, but it still prompts a password and user everytime I login.
I was under the impression that it would of been possible with some sort of Key in openVPN.
I use RMerlin build so not sure in stock, but without question my users only need the .ovpn cert and no username and password to log in. So it's definitely possible
Thanks for the reply.

I have disabled Username/Password Auth Only, but it still prompts a password and user everytime I login.
I was under the impression that it would of been possible with some sort of Key in openVPN.

Did you export the vpn config after applying the setting change and then import the new config?
Thanks for the reply.

I have disabled Username/Password Auth Only, but it still prompts a password and user everytime I login.
I was under the impression that it would of been possible with some sort of Key in openVPN.

That setting is only for telling the router if it should use cert + password, or password only.

I don't think Asus offers the option to completely disable password authentication (I do - I added it after they implemented password-based authentication).
Thanks for the replies guys.

I'll revert to Merlin's firmware then and test it out.

Update: It works brilliantly with Merlin's firmware.
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