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Router recommendation/question

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We've installed a "network extender" from Verizon. The reception was still bad following installation. Tech Support stated we needed to go from a "G" router to a "N" router. Any recommendations? My son is a major online gamer and has complained that the previous "N" router we had would "purge" itself periodically causing an interruption to his internet connection. Thus, moving back to a "G" router.

Any help, most appreciated!
That's not a function specific to "N" wireless...to "purge itself"....
There are a LOT of variables with wireless.
*Interference that's unique to your home/office
*Do you have neighbors with wireless near you..if so, what channels are they on? Same as you?
*Type of traffic and load of traffic that your network has...some routers are fine for "light use"..those same ones can't handle heavier loads.
*Some routers have QoS features, some don't. And the QoS on some routers is better than the QoS on other routers. QoS helps networks that share an internet connection, so that types of traffic from one user don't necessarily impact the performance of other users and their traffic. Example...without QoS...if you download some files while your son is doing his online gaming...his "pings" (latency) may skyrocket while you're downloading...and he'll start screaming!
The "purging" comment was my son's. He indicated that his connection would be interrupted frequently, during game play. And yes, he complained that his "ping" rate would go up. We are using Timer Warner Cable as our ISP. Which, btw...our cable run, from the road, is 1900' long. They did install an inline amplifier.

We live in the country (thus the lack of decent cell coverage and the need for a Network Extender). No neighbors near us.

Is QoS a function of the "total connection" of the router, ISP, etc....? Or is it a characteristic of the actual router itself?

Is QoS a function of the "total connection" of the router, ISP, etc....? Or is it a characteristic of the actual router itself?


QoS is a function of the router itself. Once set up, to sum things in a very simple way, it basically tries to ensure that no 1 user can be a hog and take all the traffic to himself thus causing problems for other users.

Take a look at some of the router performance charts on Tims site....read some of the brief reviews.
Many of the DLink X-Treme models have a faithful following of fans. And tend to be oriented more towards gaming and QoS.

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