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RT-N66U usb EXT3 permissions problems

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Dear friends, I have a problem and I need some help.
I own 2 RT-N66U, one at my place and the other at my parent's place. Both of them use Merlin 376.45 firmware. I connected them successfully via VPN TAP and everything works. My parents use RT-N66U as DLNA server. The media storage is a usb connected HDD.

Long story short:
At the beginning I used it formatted in NTFS with firmware's DLNA server: a lot of problems (every re-boot Minidlna starts media scanning again, unreliable media access etc..). Then I installed the new Minidlna version through Entware using a EXT3 microSD card in the internal bay of the router (internal storage for Entware Debian and Minidlna, external NTFS usb disk for multimedia content): far better, but still experiencing random stop in streaming.
Yesterday, after reading the forum, I tried to empty the external multimedia storage, and re-format the disk in EXT3, then transferring back multimedia content from my parent's PC to the disk, using network. Everything seems good, but it's too early for a feedback for the streaming issues.

But I experienced a new problem.
Now I'm not able to write to the external EXT3 disk from my place using VPN: I can read the content but not write nor modify it. At my parent's place, using their PC I can r/w without problems (via lan). I've already checked samba permissions, user names and tried the console command: chmod -R 777 /tmp/mnt/Archivio but it seems that at my place all shares's subdirs are read only. I also tried to change Win7 permissions after allowing guest share access, but I'm stuck in the same situation described here: http://forums.smallnetbuilder.com/showthread.php?t=9196
In samba settings user names and permissions are the same for both routers.

Please help me, and keep in mind that I'm a noob in Linux as I'm in English (sorry). Thank you for your time.
RT-N66U usb EXT3 permissions problem - follow up 1

I'd like to add a further observation: if I use an older PC with Win XP to gain access to USB EXT3 remote disk through VPN all work fine! no permissions problem. So it seems that the problem is only between Win 7 64bit and remote ext3 disk :confused:
Hope this help to solve the issue.
I don't know the "why", but it should be easy to correct (if it is really a problem with permissions) using Putty or WinScp after enabling ssh.
More information please

Sorry but I cannot understand what do you mean... I'm already using Putty to access to console from remote. I don't need SSH because I connect through a VPN, so I'm already on the "LAN" side of the remote router. Please explain me better your solution thank you.
Sorry but I cannot understand what do you mean... I'm already using Putty to access to console from remote. I don't need SSH because I connect through a VPN, so I'm already on the "LAN" side of the remote router. Please explain me better your solution thank you.
You are right: you already did a chmod -R ....
Quite special... Sorry but I cannot help you on that one.
Did you look at the Samba log file ?
You are right: you already did a chmod -R ....
Quite special... Sorry but I cannot help you on that one.
Did you look at the Samba log file ?

No, good advice... where I could find this log? I'm new to Linux stuff, so I have to learn a lot.
No, good advice... where I could find this log? I'm new to Linux stuff, so I have to learn a lot.
It's under /var , but in my case log.samba is 0 length. That could mean that there is something else to setup the login process, or that the log is included in the system log ? Tell me if you find out the "key".

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