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SMB Over The Internet

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Running an RC-AC86U with Merlin 386.10. I have SMB/Network Share working locally. I am trying to figure out how to get the SMB shares accessible over the internet, so an app on my iPhone can access them from anywhere, without a VPN needed.

Can someone help?
Running an RC-AC86U with Merlin 386.10. I have SMB/Network Share working locally. I am trying to figure out how to get the SMB shares accessible over the internet, so an app on my iPhone can access them from anywhere, without a VPN needed.

Can someone help?
Not a good idea! Or another way to look at it is a great way to get hacked. SMB is not all that secure...

Instant Guard works as a simple VPN to access your router from the internet. The iOS app for instant guard works well but also add the Asus router app. Or use OpenVPN. Or both.
I would like to semi-hijack this thread as I am having issues accessing a SMB share over a VPN. Currently over my LAN I am accessing a shared folder on a Windows 10 machine from multiple Android TV devices via an app's SMB sharing capabilities. Where I am having issues is when I'm not at home. I have a "travel" router that is connected to my home router's OpenVPN server (both LAN and interent checked) via OpenVPN in TUN mode. With devices connected to the travel router I can browse the internet but cannot access the shared folder. Any ideas? I've done some Googling but can't seem to find any information regarding my specific issue.
@doczenith1 Check your Windows Firewall rule for port 445 [File and Printer Sharing (SMB-in)]. This is normally set for Local subnet only, so it will block anything from the VPN as it does not have a local IP address. You can add your VPN's subnet address to the firewall rule's Scope.
@doczenith1 Check your Windows Firewall rule for port 445 [File and Printer Sharing (SMB-in)]. This is normally set for Local subnet only, so it will block anything from the VPN as it does not have a local IP address. You can add your VPN's subnet address to the firewall rule's Scope.
That worked. Thank you!

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