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spdMerlin spdMerlin causes router to reboot

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Always run lots of scripts since late 2017

I understand, but I don't find it fair when you mention issues in beta firmware threads running bunch of unsupported scripts. This has nothing to do with beta firmware testing. Your issues originate from your setup.
I understand, but I don't find it fair when you mention issues in beta firmware threads running bunch of unsupported scripts. This has nothing to do with beta firmware testing. Your issues originate from your setup.
Amen! I had to fan myself when I read this one! Your words are coming through loud and clear. When is your next sermon?
Your "J" scripts are unaware of 388 firmware changes. nsrum is unsupported for a long time since 384 firmware. FlexQoS perhaps doesn't work at all with Runner and Flow Cache on your AX-class router. Your issues come from too many scripts installed, some unsupported, some obsolete, some not working or with issues in 388 firmware. Unrelated to hardware or firmware. You have to reduce the number of scripts.
If only there was someone who could have amtm filter those scripts out of the "available" list based on the router firmware it detects.
someone like @thelonelycoder


more people could take the scripts and modernize/update/maintain them
I understand, but I don't find it fair when you mention issues in beta firmware threads running bunch of unsupported scripts. This has nothing to do with beta firmware testing. Your issues originate

I understand, but I don't find it fair when you mention issues in beta firmware threads running bunch of unsupported scripts. This has nothing to do with beta firmware testing. Your issues originate from your setup.
I hear you guys. I'm creating various failed scenarios, with debug logs, for Jeffrey as we are lucky/honoured to have a developer wanting to look at spdmerlin and the reboots on AXE16000 (I have no issues on AXE11000 in same setups). i.e. my scenarios at present, can add more as required.
- 388.2_2. With all my usual add-ons. Fails at random,,,but if it does fail will be at the two default auto check times (12 & 42mins) in the hour.
- 388.2_2: With no add-ons. Pending.

- 388.4 Beta2: With all my usual add-ons. Fails at spdmerlin install, when the first speed check occurs. Fails later at the two default auto check times (12 & 42mins) in the hour.
- 388.4 Beta2: With no add-ons. Pending.
more people could take the scripts and modernize/update/maintain them

I am willing to make stripped down versions (no GUI support) as a winter project. I was planning on doing that for myself as a view to the scripts eventually not working as they are anymore. I like YazFi, and what it does is fairly simple at its core.
I hear you guys. I'm creating various failed scenarios, with debug logs, for Jeffrey as we are lucky/honoured to have a developer wanting to look at spdmerlin and the reboots on AXE16000 (I have no issues on AXE11000 in same setups). i.e. my scenarios at present, can add more as required.
- 388.2_2. With all my usual add-ons. Fails at random,,,but if it does fail will be at the two default auto check times (12 & 42mins) in the hour.
- 388.2_2: With no add-ons. Pending.

- 388.4 Beta2: With all my usual add-ons. Fails at spdmerlin install, when the first speed check occurs. Fails later at the two default auto check times (12 & 42mins) in the hour.
- 388.4 Beta2: With no add-ons. Pending.
Not wanting to raise anyone hope or expectations. I can only test on a AC86U and AX88U - and even at that the AX88U, I have to beg, plead and barter for test time.

Mostly I look for project to keep my retired mind busy when it is -25C and 4 feet of snow outside.
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Not wanting to raise anyone hope or expectations. I can only test on a AC86U and AX88U - and even at that the AX88U, I have to beg, plead and barter for test time.

Mostly I look for project to keep my retired mind busy when it is -25C and 4 feet of snow outside.
Quickly ruled out you like in Florida...LOL. Need like a loaner pool of ASUS routers for use by key/identifed developers. Ironically part of my work team does that now for Mainframes & Storage products.
one of the reasons i "retired" as an addon developer

that, and it was becoming like a 2nd job without the pay! haha

Nice to see you still around Jack.

Love you scripts. I am not, and never will be a GUI programmer. Too old, I guess. I got no problems doing some rewrites of your stuff with the KISS principle in mind. I've been meaning to do up a simple YazFi script that is not dependent on Entware and does what your script does. I've seen for a while that the newer code bases is gonna mess something up in your stuff.
Need like a loaner pool of ASUS routers for use by key/identifed developers.

Few developers migrated to other platforms. Home routers have limitations. For the price of your 4x home routers you could have x86 router with PoE switch and VLAN capable APs. All features you are looking for are there. You don't need to wait for a developer, but just read the documentation. Not as user friendly, but much more processing power, better reliability and upgradability.
Nice to see you still around Jack.

Love you scripts. I am not, and never will be a GUI programmer. Too old, I guess. I got no problems doing some rewrites of your stuff with the KISS principle in mind. I've been meaning to do up a simple YazFi script that is not dependent on Entware and does what your script does. I've seen for a while that the newer code bases is gonna mess something up in your stuff.
I largely wrote YazFi to be independent of entware so it probably isn't much work fo disable the bits thst crept in
Few developers migrated to other platforms. Home routers have limitations. For the price of your 4x home routers you could have x86 router with PoE switch and VLAN capable APs. All features you are looking for are there. You don't need to wait for a developer, but just read the documentation. Not as user friendly, but much more processing power, better reliability and upgradability.

Agreed. I done up a router using a RasPi using Ubuntu 20.04 that did everything that my Asus Merlin does. Was a learning experience. Used VLAN script with my AC86U and used it as the wireless AP.

Needed the Pi for another use, so went back to AX88U. If I were to do it again, a small X86 micro computer with two eth ports is the way I'd go. You can get them pretty cheap now. And you get the power!
I largely wrote YazFi to be independent of entware so it probably isn't much work fo disable the bits thst crept in

Yeah, I see YazFi as being one of those things that you want working if your USB drive goes south. I consider it a mission critical component. Same reason I scripted all my own WG stuff on the AC86U. It all stayed on the /jffs directory.

Have had USB keys go south before and take critical stuff with it.
one of the reasons i "retired" as an addon developer
And no point sweating over it when others are telling people to remove all their addons. Fun while it lasted…
Waitjustasecondthere, turbo. There IS some fresh blood starting to mess around with things: @black-raison-detre
see what they're up to here
I’ve seen his ambitions and wish him well. But good luck figuring out how to make it real for users. Either convince Merlin to merge custom changes to the httpd daemon, or maintain a fork of the Merlin code which would be slow on the uptake.

The GUI is rarely the showstopper (even if it’s missing with some addons); it’s usually butting up against the Asus/Trend/Broadcom black box code. Unexplained reboots, flowcache issues, etc.
one of the reasons i "retired" as an addon developer

that, and it was becoming like a 2nd job without the pay! haha
I am surprised you kept up with it for as long as you did. Lots of respect for you man @Jack Yaz . Like I said about @dave14305 , who ever picks up your scripts has a lot of shoe space to fill. It takes grit, determination, and a lot of disposable free time.
Nice to see you still around Jack.

Love you scripts. I am not, and never will be a GUI programmer. Too old, I guess. I got no problems doing some rewrites of your stuff with the KISS principle in mind. I've been meaning to do up a simple YazFi script that is not dependent on Entware and does what your script does. I've seen for a while that the newer code bases is gonna mess something up in your stuff.

WRT YazFi, I can help you with making changes in the GUI JavaScript + HTML code if/when needed. However, keep in mind that I can't always commit to a quick turnaround, especially when my work-related projects get very busy (as they have been for the past few weeks); but I'm willing to contribute on a time-limited, best-effort basis to try to keep the GUI in sync with your shell script modifications.
WRT YazFi, I can help you with making changes in the GUI JavaScript + HTML code if/when needed. However, keep in mind that I can't always commit to a quick turnaround, especially when my work-related projects get very busy (as they have been for the past few weeks); but I'm willing to contribute on a time-limited, best-effort basis to try to keep the GUI in sync with your shell script modifications.
Appreciate the offer. I am of the same mindset. I look for jobs in the winter to keep my mind busy. Come summer, the wife and I are on the water, at camp and in the bush. This little phone is often the only thing I got.

Keeping things CLI and simple also means less risk of compatibility issues arising.
In a sad way, this is becoming a fairly normal (and unfortunate) cycle of FOSS…

A good developer sees a problem or wants some new features. Takes up the challenge using various free and open source parts and creates something new and used by many.

But, as time goes on, new challenges arise. New hardware platforms, new firmware updates, new updated apps (i.e. Entwares ware). Then, updates and a never ending cycle of support starts. What started with good intention, a way to help others, a way to express ones creativity - becomes a “job”.

Usually without pay or any substantial compensation (other then ”dude, you’re the man!!!”)

Then it’s no longer fun, no longer a hobby.

I kind of expected this years ago with Asuswrt-merlin. That’s why I lobbied hard for the sticky

Hoping that enough users would see enough value and provide some, maybe a little, compensation for the developers work and hopes that they would continue.

BTW, this is not just an Asuswrt-merlin thing. Many times I find a useful code/widget/applicatioin on github. Only to see that the last time it was updated was a few years in the past.

But, at least since it is FOSS, others, new developers might take up the torch and fix/enhance. That’s kind of why FOSS is so magical.

Speaking for myself (and hopefully others) I want to thank all the developers for what they have brought to our routers. I wish people like @Jack Yaz , @dave14305, @john9527 and many others all the best in the future and thanks for the work.

As Douglas Adam’s wrote “So long and thanks for the fish”

Im also glad to see many of the “active” developers like @thelonelycoder , @Martineau , @Viktor Jaep ,@GNUton ,@SomeWhereOverTheRainBow and the many others for keeping the spirit of FOSS alive and well.

Last, thanks to @RMerlin and Asus for providing the base for all this. Aso @ryzhov_al and his team for Entware.

Users, remember in Free and Open Source - the free is like the free in free speech, not the free as in free beer…

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