wireless log

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  1. rtn66uftw

    Where to see AI Mesh clients Wireless logs?

    I've just setup a AI mesh network using two AC86U running Merlin 386_11 and want to see the wireless log of all AI mesh clients. However, in the System log > Wireless log menu, I could only see devices connected to the main router, not the mesh node. Can anyone show me how? Thanks
  2. WhiteZero

    "Wireless Log" doesn't show AiMesh node connections

    I just setup my AX86U and AC86U with Firmware 386.1_2 in my first AiMesh setup, AC86U as the node via Ethernet backhaul. But I noticed that any wireless clients on the AC86U node don't show up in the Wireless Log page on the main router. And from what I can tell with AiMesh, I can't access the...