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A bit more information would be helpful. First, do you have another router plugged into the network? Beyond that...

1. Is the device setup for wireless router mode?
2. What are your WAN settings? DHCP? Is enable WAN and NAT turned on?
3. Do you have the DHCP server turned on in the LAN settings? What network are using on the LAN side? 192.168.1.x?
4. What do the DHCP logs state in the log section of the router? Do they show any leases?
1. The router is set to act as a wireless router and not a bridge or AP.
2. Wan settings are set to Obtain IP address automatically ie DHCP. DHCP is also enabled when I checked. WAN and NAT are turned on.
3. Yes. The subnet range is indeed 192.168.1.x
4. I haven't checked this yet.

The router I believe is running one of the .376 firmwares if I can recall correctly. It was manufactured in 2014 and is a A2 revision.

No other routers on the network? And you state that wireless clients can obtain a valid DHCP address but wired clients? Have you plugged in a machine directly to one of the LAN ports?

I guess it's possible you have borked router and that all the LAN ports have failed. When plugged in, you see link lights on both the router and devices?
Yes sorry forgot to mention there is no other routers on the network. I have been able to resolve the issue by isolating devices one by one and it appears to be a device that could be causing the network to malfunction although I am not sure how that is happening. That device appears to cause an issue on the wired network and I have taken it offline for the time being.

I am actually typing this right now from the AC-68U and it's a fantastic router and I have flashed the latest Merlin-WRT firmware for it.

Hey, if you are certain it is one device, mind sharing what it was?
I am having the exactly same problem, but the device i disconnected are both my MBP 13 on LAN and a Belkin 8 port powered LAN Switch. It seems after unplugging the switch the problem seems to have temporarily vanished, however, i hope i haven't spoken too soon!!

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