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Access other OpenVPN Client Subnets while connected remotely to OpenVPN server

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Regular Contributor
So here is the issue. I have my Asus router set up as a OpenVPN server and also it is connected to 2 other OpenVPN networks as a clients so clients 1 and client 2.

If I am on the local LAN I am of course able to connect to the client 1 and client 2 subnet. However I am unable to access those remote subnets for client 1 and client 2 while I am on the OpenVPN server connected remotely. I can only access the local lan of the OpenVPN server.

What additional settings to do I need to put into the server config to push those routes to allow it to connect to them while remote on the VPN server?
Any ideas? How can I connect to my other OpenVPN networks that my router is a client from my OpenVPN server network that the router is also running? Isn't there an option to make the other networks available? Do I need to set some push settings in the OpenVPN server side?

Thanks I'll checked it out. I think it might the problem is he didn't post the complete scripts for up and down. Also does the script go in each client router or in the jffs of the server router and he is stating the script call goes into the client custom config box and not on the server config box to push to the server? Just a little unclear but it sounds like it would work.

Actually now that I think about it. May not work.

My problem is I have

2 Open VPN servers going on my AC3100

1 is a site to site
2nd is a site for client that also forwards internet.

the site to site works great and both sites talk to each other no issue (does not redirect internet just access to each other's lan)
the second openvpn server is set up for road warriors where you can connect via mobile devices or laptop clients and it forwards both the lan and internet.

From the 2nd openvpn network I can access the lan just fine and internet forwards correctly but I can't access the client subnet connected to the first OpenVPN server site to site.

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