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Asus RT-AC87U DHCP server menu problem

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I have a Merlin 384.5 installed. All working like a charm. Recently I changed some settings in DHCP server menu, added some manually assigned IPs etc. After applying the changes, the DHCP server settings tab seems to be broken, when clicking on the DHCP server menu, I get only that frame, the rest of the screen is gone, the manually assigned ip list is empty and I am unable to change any settings, the Apply button does not work.

I tried everything I could think of, incl. uploading new firmware. The last thing to try would be a factory reset which obviously I'd like to avoid.

Any ideas?



  • dhcp.PNG
    304.5 KB · Views: 606
When you added the manually assigned devices did you use non-alphanumeric characters in any of the names?
I don't thinks so but I am not 100% sure. What I remember doing is modifying one of the existing manual assignments and modifying one of the radio button settings (can't remember which one exactly). I added a new manual entry (filled in text boxes) but such an entry already existed in the table (for the same MAC and IP address) but did not use the plus button to actually add it to the table. And then hit Apply.
Same problem reported here. Try SSHing into the router and resetting the NVRAM variable.

nvram set dhcp_staticlist=""
nvram commit
Yeap, that fixed it! Thanks! It was an apostrophe in one of the hostnames. Exported the nvram variable, fixed it and re-imported. All working now. Once again, thanks!

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