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Custom firmware build for R7800 v.

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Depending upon your ISP Modem, router settings and wireless devices your using, could be a number of anything effecting speeds. Max speeds on wireless, again depending upon device, will max out at around 400-500Mb on 5Ghz with AC mode. Check the connection rate between a routers wifi and client wifi device, download WiFiSweetSpots. This will tell you the actual connection rate between the router and device. Reveals what your device max rate it. This differs from throughput rates.

Tests with different devices to compare.
Always test wired LAN cable PC as well.

Hows is the routers wifi configured? Modes and Security?
Is 802.11k enabled under debug.htm?

I was having some internet drop issues with the stock firmware and decided to give this Voxel custom a try. Upgrade worked just fine but now when I benchmark my 5Ghz i'm only getting 20Mb when before I was getting around 250Mb
I used to have a R7000 with all kinds of problems over the years. I got the R7800 and been running Voxel's FW from day one. It's paired with a Netgear CM1000 which seems to be a great companion to the R7800 on my gigabit connection. Not one single problem whatsoever. It just works and this release is no exception. Thank you! So good not having to worry about my Internet connection. It's just there! :)
Hi All,

I have an r7800 and am interested in upgrading to this firmware. I've been having major online gaming problems recently, and have been told this may be due to the .58 and .60 firmwares, as after .52 there seems to be an introduction of ping spikes.

Does Voxel's latest firmware fix this problem of ping spikes/gaming lag or am I better just to try downgrading to the .52 firmware? (as everyone says this fixes it for them).

I also suffered from the random WiFi dropout problem on .58, and still get it on .60 but not as severe.

Ideally I'd like to stay as up to date as possible due to security fixes.

Yes it does!
Just update to Voxel.
No settings are lost.

Hi All,

I have an r7800 and am interested in upgrading to this firmware. I've been having major online gaming problems recently, and have been told this may be due to the .58 and .60 firmwares, as after .52 there seems to be an introduction of ping spikes.

Does Voxel's latest firmware fix this problem of ping spikes/gaming lag or am I better just to try downgrading to the .52 firmware? (as everyone says this fixes it for them).

I also suffered from the random WiFi dropout problem on .58, and still get it on .60 but not as severe.

Ideally I'd like to stay as up to date as possible due to security fixes.

Yes it does!
Just update to Voxel.
No settings are lost.

Thanks. How does Voxel's compare to normal firmwares in terms of normal operation? Does this firmware speed anything up (i.e QoS/bufferbloat etc), or just add features/fix bugs?

I also wanted to ask if it's worth me enabling QoS. I have 53Mb/10Mb but have found that the Netgear QoS doesn't really do anything to improve the connection. Would I notice better performance using Voxel's firmware and enabling QoS?

I'm talking mainly from a gaming/latency standpoint.

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Yes, it speed up things like vpn.
But i dont know about QOS.

And i think you should not use this old thread and firmware.

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