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Difference Between TP Link SG108E Smart Switch v3 and v2?

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There can be a few difference, features are usually stated clearer but other differences are in the hardware for example uses another revision of a switch CPU or even design entirely. So if deciding between V2 or V3 of the same model always go for the newer version except if there is a known bug that cant be solved. So if you see a lot of comments stating the same problem and that problem bothers you than dont get it.

Also if a switch supports ipv4 or ipv6 means it would be a layer 3 switch which would have a section for creating ip routes. So a switch to be layer 3 it must support ip routing which for example would allow you to route between 2 subnets using the switch rather than router. So make sure to check this if you are looking for a layer 3 switch. If traffic is on the same subnet than you dont need a layer 3 switch but if you want layer 3 filters than you're looking at fully managed layer 3 switches and they dont come cheap as they are fully configurable very much like non consumer routers.

Edit: I just checked it, its a layer 2 switch. It only has an ip address to configure it so theres no need for it to support ipv6 unless you plan on using snmp in an ipv6 only network.
SEM very helpful thanks. v1 and v2 of this switch were layer 2. Sounds doubtful v3 would be layer 3 without touting this all over the place. All my traffic is on the same subnet. I may employ VLAN later to break it up. The switch is VLAN capable.
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