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DIR-628 vs WRT54G2

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I am looking for a router in a price range below that of the well recommended DIR-655. I was considering either the DIR-628 or the WRT54G2, which retail for between $74 and $88 in Canada, whereas the DIR-655 is around $125. Two computers will be in use. The router will be matched with a Linksys WUSB54G WIRELESS-G USB NIC Network Adapter on one computer when in wireless mode,( not sure what the other adapter is), however it is likely that the router will be connected to both computers using a wired connection for the immediate future.
Any advice and/or alternate suggestions would be appreciated.
It's odd that the DIR-628, which is a dual-band, single radio draft 11n router is cheaper than the WRT54G2, which is an 802.11g router.

Sounds like all you need is a decent 802.11g router. You could consider a D-Link WBR-2310 or you could use a single-band draft 11n router like the D-Link DIR-615 or DIR-625.

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