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Dual WAN -> route traffic

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Occasional Visitor
I have 6 LAN clients in my home network. My question is: is it possible to route all traffic from 1 pc to second WAN, and all others to first one. so baiscally my PC will use second WAN connection, other clients will use first one.
I have 6 LAN clients in my home network. My question is: is it possible to route all traffic from 1 pc to second WAN, and all others to first one. so baiscally my PC will use second WAN connection, other clients will use first one.

You should be able to create new RPDB rules

ip   rule   add   from xxx.xxx.xxx.1   table 100

ip   rule   add   from xxx.xxx.xxx.2   table 200
ip   rule   add   from xxx.xxx.xxx.3   table 200
ip   rule   add   from xxx.xxx.xxx.4   table 200
ip   rule   add   from xxx.xxx.xxx.5   table 200
ip   rule   add   from xxx.xxx.xxx.6   table 200

ip  route   flush   cache

I can't set up DUAL WAN here at the moment, so you will need to manually confirm the two RPDB tables 100 and 200 are correct and contain the correct routes.

Once tested via SSH/TELNET prompt, you can permanently add these rules in wan-start (ensuring that they are only added once i.e. no duplicates.)

NOTE: wan-start
is called separately for each of the WAN interfaces.
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wow, just what i just started to looking for, if i´ll just get my 4g working as second WAN. Having RT-AC68u with Merlin.

How i could identify those RPDB tables and can i find somewhere full guide for dummies? :)

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