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HOWTO: use a Let's Encrypt ssl certificate on HTTPS web interface

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I'm currently using self-signed certificates for router.asus.com, since I don't want to expose the web GUI to the world.

However, RMerlin 380.65 apparently can change that host name. Can I set it to <name>.asuscomm.com and now use Let's Encrypt without exposing the web GUI outside my LAN?
I do not see the reason the issue global trusted ssl certificate for home router web gui if not need to manage it thru WAN interface.
I also do not see the reason to open home router web management access to whole Internet. If you have use case to manage it remotely, you can easily create a VPN tunnel to the router or internal hosts.
However, RMerlin 380.65 apparently can change that host name.

You've always had the ability to change it, there's nothing new there. I merely ensured that any configured hostname had priority over the built-in one (router.asus.com) when resolving the router's IP using your router's dnsmasq.
You've always had the ability to change it, there's nothing new there. I merely ensured that any configured hostname had priority over the built-in one (router.asus.com) when resolving the router's IP using your router's dnsmasq.
Ah, then I misunderstood the release notes. Thank you for clearing this up.
FWIW https://acme.sh works fine too, only requiring bash. Much lighter than the original LE client ! And it supports DNS based auth as well :)
https is all about trust and thinking that DV are any less safe than OV or EV is wishful thinking ! Do you know all CAs in your browser and what countries are behind them ?
And having green everywhere (even for private stuff) allows one to stop the bad habit of bypassing self-signed and invalid certs like a robot (which is becoming more and more painful as browsers upgrade).

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